Simusamba has done to Kambwili what he did to me – Nevers


    Simusamba has done to Kambwili what he did to me – Nevers
    By New Hope Reporter

    Opposition New Hope Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) Party President Dr. Nevers Mumba has said that Lusaka Magistrate Simusamba by postponing the bail hearing of National Democratic Congress (NDC) President Dr. Chishimba Kambwili has done to him exactly what he did to me over two years ago. Can this be a coincidence? Dr Mumba asked.

    Magistrate Simusamba had sentenced Dr. Kambwili to two years imprisonment for forgery last week on Thursday. After the judgement was passed, Dr. Kambwili’s lawyer Musa Mwenya S.C applied for bail hearing to Magistrate Simusamba. He declined the hearing and moved it to this week on Tuesday. Today, when the matter came up for hearing, moved the hearing to Thursday.

    It was also during the Court session that Dr. Kambwili’s daughter Chanda and his wife were arrested and taken to Kabwata Police Station.

    Commenting on the postponment of bail application, New Hope Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) President said what happened to Dr. Kambwili happened to him 2 years ago before the same magistrate.

    “We as the New Hope MMD are shocked with the unfair conduct of Magistrate Simusamba to Dr. Kambwili. When he passed judgement last week, I hoped that he would hear the bail application and pass judgement today. But what transpired is very unfortunate as it reminded me of what he did to me two years ago. He avoided my bail application for over two weeks which led me to spend two weeks at Mwembashi state prison”, Dr. Mumba lamented.

    Dr. Mumba further said that Magistrate Simusamba shouldn’t be serving on the bench.

    “As you maybe aware, after his avoidance to attend to my bail application, I complained to the Judicial Complaints Commission which responded to me recently and recommended that Magistrate Simusamba should be removed as a Judge. So we expected him to do the honorable thing by resigning or rescuing himself”, Dr. Mumba said.

    Dr. Mumba then called upon the Zambia Police Service to show leniency and act professionally when dealing with the Public.

    “Lastly but not the least, What happened today was very unfortunate of where the state police beat up my niece Chanda Kambwili with batons whilst she was not armed. The Zambia Police Service should show leniency when dealing with the Public especially when dealing with sensitive matters like was the case of Chanda Kambwili. No father would want to see his child and Wife being beaten simply because of trying to attend their court case”, Dr. Mumba said.



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