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Solicitor General Marshal Muchende has sued Dr. O’Brien Kaaba for saying he received $500 000 kickback


Solicitor General Marshal Muchende has sued Dr. O’Brien Kaaba for saying he received $500 000 kickback

Zambia’s Solicitor General, Marshal Muchende, has filed a defamation lawsuit against Dr. O’Brien Kaaba, a former member of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) board. The lawsuit stems from claims made by Kaaba that Muchende had received a staggering $500,000 from a former provisional liquidator.

The lawsuit, filed in the Lusaka High Court, alleges that Kaaba’s claims, which were published in the Daily Revelation and Daily Nation newspapers, have caused “serious damage to [Muchende’s] reputation and standing in the community.”

Kaaba, a renowned academic and anti-corruption crusader, has been a vocal critic of the government’s efforts to tackle corruption in the country. In a recent exposé letter, he alleged that there are “strong forces” within the state apparatus, including the Attorney General’s office and the Judiciary, that dictate who should be appointed as the ACC director.

Kaaba further claimed that the ACC and the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) have been running an “extortion ring” in matters involving seized or frozen assets and bank accounts, negotiating with suspects to release money without prosecution in exchange for kickbacks.

The dissolution of the ACC board by President Hakainde Hichilema today has only added to the growing controversy, with Kaaba’s allegations now at the center of a high-profile legal battle.

As the legal battle unfolds, the Zambian public eagerly awaits the revelations that may emerge from this high-stakes courtroom drama, hoping that it will pave the way for a more transparent and accountable system of governance.

#InfinityMediaHub #stayinformed

18th July, 2024.


  1. One hopes with glee what this case will reveal. Those who are old enough will remember the case that ensued after someone said “Chiluba is a thief”. That case revealed a mountain of dirt. I should imagine some camps are having a field day.

  2. If Muchende had any sense of pride. He would step aside pending the cleaning of his name. At that level integrity speaks volumes….

  3. Education without wisdom is dangerous!
    And this is the trouble of not suspending a public officer implicated in corrupt acts!
    They start intimidating the whistleblowers and key witnesses and destroying evidence!
    Mr HH, you can do better than that!
    It’s not okay to give a go ahead with investigations but you don’t suspend the accused to pave way for investigations.
    This is a bitter lesson for Zambia!
    Never elect “Stray Candidates” to the highest office in the land!
    Someone must have a minimum of serving as a Ward Counselor and MP before they can be allowed to run for president!
    You need the right knowledge and experience to serve well at that high level!
    We cannot afford to experiment again!
    President HH is a lame-duck president blundering even on basic issues!
    It’s pathetic!

    • Beware simplistic solutions. You think you have found the answer already but look at the record of those who had served at lower level elective offices before becoming president. Can you honestly say that they were any better? It’s more complicated than you have put it.

      • Remember also the superstition of Frederick Chiluba. He declared Zambia a Christian nation in the hope and belief that that God’s blessings would descend on the country. He also restored diplomatic relations with Israel for the same belief. In all government offices, meetings have to start with a prayer. But where are God’s blessings on Zambia? Why’s corruption so high? Even women have joined in by engaging in corruption with Bibles in their handbags.

      • Meritocracy is what we are talking about here not just a passive walk in the lower ranks!
        Take the example of Michael Chilufya Sata.
        He had a proven track record of success in every lower ranks he served.
        He was not called “Man of Action” for nothing!
        It was therefore not difficult for Zambians to vote him into the highest office in the Land!
        Sad that he became President at his weakest point health wise!
        That is the Meritocracy we must look for in Presidential candidates before entrusting them with Public Office.
        To Meritocracy, we must add Pragmatism and Honesty!
        China and Singapore are successful countries because of this MPH model!
        Don’t vote for someone because Ali na Ngombe Zambili!
        Anyone can have that!
        Looking after people is different from looking after animals!
        The Church Elder has Zero Meritocracy record when it comes to Public Service, that is the reason he is fumbling too much even on simple issues!
        We can’t go on like this!

    • It was the same even in the Lungu regime. Ministers under investigation remained in their offices. People thought things would change under UPND. To their disappointment things have remained the same. It is hardly surprising because all our politicians, without exception, are cut from the same cloth.


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