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State House Aides; Clayson Hamasaka and Levi Ngoma, Must step aside- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


State House Aides; Clayson Hamasaka and Levi Ngoma, Must step aside

Lusaka- Friday 14th June 2024

Petauke Central Member of Parliament Emmanuel JJ Banda has sued the Attorney General and 3 others seeking protection of his rights and is seeking damages for causing his abduction.

In his Affidavit filed in the Lusaka High Court, he has narrated a harrowing experience on how he was abducted, tortured and later left for dead. He has attached medical records to support his claims.

Amongst his abductors, he has named State House Aides; Communications Specialist, Mr. Clayson Hamasaka and Special Assistant for Politics, Mr. Levy Ngoma.

The two have denied any involvement and have also taken counter measures by reporting Hon.JJ Banda to the Police for criminal defamation. Hamasaka has taken a further step, through his lawyers Mweemba and Company, by stating that he will sue Hon. Banda for civil defamation.

This matter of the abduction of a Member of Parliament is so serious especially that it has placed State House at the centre of this gruesome and heinous crime.

Our fears are fortified by recent malicious action by the State to concentrate on very old cases allegedly committed by Hon. JJ Banda instead of attending to the immediate crisis such the case of his abduction and his failing health.

It is clear that the posture from Government, starting with the Press Conference held by Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security, Hon. Jack Mwiimbu on the morning of Hon. Banda’s discovery, appears that there is an active and coordinated plot to cover up the crimes of abduction and all those involved by denigrating and undermining the claims and by keeping Hon. Banda in unjustified incarceration.

Now to get to the bottom of the claims from both sides, it is imperative that President Hakainde Hichilema suspends the officials named in this matter and an independent Inquiry into this whole saga is constituted to establish the Truth.

Further the UPND Secretary General, Batuke Imenda must suspend Deputy National Youth Chairperson, Trevor Mwiinde until this matter is settled.

As demonstrated by his utterances on Hon. Banda, President Hichilema may hold political disdain and contempt for Hon. Banda as he even wanted to reopen cases that were closed in the courts of law, but in his capacity as President of the Republic of Zambia, he is obliged to protect rights of Zambians including that of Hon. Banda.

We call upon stakeholders such as the Law Association of Zambia, the Church and Civil Society groupings to raise their voices on critical issues threatening the peace and security of our country.

It is important therefore that to get to the bottom of this saga, an independent Inquiry is constituted.

Issued by;

Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
Chairperson of Information and Publicity
Member of the Central Committee


  1. Fortunately this kind of abuse of our security wings died out with the exit of PeeEfu. The police are trained to investigate and prosecute cases. They do not need failed politicians to tell them who to arrest or who should resign from their jobs.

  2. Mwamba is there a credible basis for the assertion that you are making? We have read the basis on which Davis Mwila is being investigated in the shareholder’s story above.
    Imwe ba PF without rational basis have been making assertions that devoid of fact. The very kind of reason that you tormented people and ended up being removed from Office.

  3. What kind of character is Mr. Emmanuel “Jay Jay” Banda? How credible is he? His tale of being abducted by the said gentlemen sounds farfetched to me. For Mr. Mwamba to ask for the two gentlemen to resign is a bit premature.

    Suppose the “abduction” turns out to be fake? Already, the damage done to their reputations is great, just by being fingered by the “abductee”. How does Mr. Mwamba reckon the damage can be repaired?

    Unfortunately, to Mr. Mwamba and his ilk, reputation counts for nothing.

  4. PiiiiyeFu mentality, all they do all their time is executing crookedness, no shame at all. That is how they brought the economy down, concentrating on worthless matters. To them that is leadership. You can rot in hell, we gona no give you our precious votes. Forget.

  5. Hired bloggers at State house why can’t you blog using even decency or common sense. The problem with you my brothers , the police and courts you have created an environment of self destruction and immorality that will come to haunt you and cry like babies.

    Clackson is not above the law , neither police commissioner for Lusaka, IG or minister of home affairs. Why would the the of the president get involved in interrogating Jay Jay Banda? This is how you have destroyed even sensitive wings to shield kidnappers. The office of the president is not for Clackson Hamasaka or Ngoma but gathering intelligence to protect the president and the people of Zambia . Nowadays we had people like Francis Lukonde MHSRIP one of the finest Vigil Zambia has ever produced who could advise the president not to do what he wants to do even when others will fear to lose their jobs. No wonder he served KK, FC, Mwanawasa, Ruphia, Sata and early part of Lungu because he knew , the presidency is Zambia and any bad news was not good for the country.

  6. Bwamba you can go do kumatako with fuledi if you wish this nonsensical suggestion will not happen after you fake this stupid abduction. Go to hell nsanya iwe!!!!


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