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Statement By Hon. Chushi Kasanda On The Decisions Made By Cabinet At The 3rd Cabinet Meeting Held On Tuesday, 21st And Wednesday, 22nd February, 2023

Chushi Kasanda
Cushi Kasanda


THE President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, called for the 3rd Cabinet Meeting in the Year 2023, on Tuesday, 21st and Wednesday, 22nd February, 2023, at State House, to deliberate on policy matters and in particular, legislative matters, as the current sitting of Parliament is dedicated to enactment of Bills submitted to Parliament by the Executive arm of Government.

Cabinet approved, for publication and introduction in Parliament during the current sitting, six (6) Bills and made four other policy decisions. The details are as follows:

1. The Rural Electrification Bill, 2023.

Cabinet has observed that the law governing the Rural Electrification Authority is archaic in relation to corporate governance issues particularly that, currently, the law does not provide for a clear distinction in the performance of functions between the governing Board and the Authority.

The objectives of the Bill, therefore, are to promote and enhance rural electrification; continue the existence of the Board and the Rural Electrification Authority and re-define its functions and continue the existence of the Rural Electrification Fund.

2. The Environmental Management (Amendment) Bill, 2023.

In addressing issues pertaining to management of the environment, going forward, Cabinet has found it necessary to introduce a Bill in Parliament to amend the Environmental Management Act No. 12 of 2011, so as to revise the functions of the Zambia Environmental Management Agency; harmonise the provisions relating to solid waste management with the Solid Waste Regulation and Management Act No. 20 of 2018; domesticate the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer; provide for the registration of pesticides or toxic substances; and revise the provision on summary imposition of penalties.

3. The Controlled Substances Bill, 2023.

Cabinet has observed that currently, the law is inadequate in providing for the granting of a licence to deal in manufacture, import and export of a controlled substances; regulating the use, dispensing, manufacture, wholesale, transfer, supply, sell, distribution and possession of a controlled substances for medicinal, scientific and research purposes; and in granting sufficient authority to the Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority to regulate a controlled substance.

Therefore, it has been found necessary to repeal and replace the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1967, in order to deal with these issues and provide sufficient regulation of controlled substances.

4. The Examination Council of Zambia Bill, 2023.

Cabinet has realised that The Examinations Council of Zambia Act, 1983, is inadequate in dealing with the many issues relating to the governance structure of the Examinations Council of Zambia, accreditation of examination centres and the administration of examinations.

Therefore, it has been found necessary to repeal and replace the Act in order to, among others, re-define the functions of the Examinations Council of Zambia; constitute the Board of the Examinations Council of Zambia and provide for its functions; provide for the accreditation of examination centres; provide for the administration of examinations; and repeal and replace the Examinations Council of Zambia Act, 1983.

This is also on realisation that the education sector in general, and the Examinations Council of Zambia in particular, have a critical role to play in moulding the human resources of this country. Invariably, they hold the key to unlocking the country’s socio-economic development, hence the need to repeal the current law.

5. The Teaching Profession (Amendment) Bill, 2023.

Cabinet also approved for publication and introduction in Parliament “The Teaching Profession (Amendment) Bill, 2023.”

The main objective of the Bill is to amend the Teaching Profession Act No. 5 of 2013 in order to align it with the Higher Education Act No. 4 of 2013 with respect to the provisions providing for training of teachers, registration of colleges, and accreditation of learning programmes and qualifications.

6. The National Pension Scheme (Amendment) Bill, 2023.

The last Bill to be approved by Cabinet for publication and introduction in Parliament, during the Cabinet Meeting, was “The National Pension Scheme (Amendment) Bill, 2023.”

The objective of the Bill is to amend the National Pension Scheme Act, 1996 so as to provide for members to access a pre-retirement benefit. This is a policy decision which has received a lot of public support since the pronouncement was made by the New Dawn Administration regarding the partial withdrawal of pension benefits by members of the National Pension Scheme Authority.

The current legislation does not provide for access to contributions by members before retirement. This has tended to deprive members of the scheme of an opportunity to either venture into business or own assets, hence the call to amend the National Pension Scheme Act No. 40 of 1996.

7. Hosting of the 42nd Roundtable Conference of the African Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM) in Livingstone, Zambia, 6th – 9th December, 2023.

During the same Meeting, Cabinet also approved that Zambia should host the 42nd Roundtable Conference of the African Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM) from 6th to 9th December, 2023, in Livingstone.

Zambia is a member of the African Association for Public Administration and Management which is a premier international professional organisation that promotes best practice and excellence in public administration and management in Africa through research, publications, training, seminars, consultancy, conferences and awards. AAPAM membership includes African governments, private sector, civil society, international organisations, practitioners, academicians and young professionals. Over 600 delegates are expected to attend the Conference.

8. Appointment of Members to various Boards.

Cabinet approved the appointment of Members of the following Boards:
(a) The Patents and Companies Registration Agency;
(b) The Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS);
(c) The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC);
(d) National Housing Authority (NHA) Board;
(e) The Higher Education Authority (HEA); and
(f) Higher Education Loans and Scholarships Board (HELSB).

Cabinet also approved Members of the following University Councils for Public Higher Education Institutions:

(a) Chalimbana University;
(b) Kapasa Makasa University;
(c) University of Zambia;
(d) Copperbelt University;
(e) Mukuba University;
(f) Kwame Nkrumah University;
(g) Palabana University; and
(h) Mulungushi University.

9. Ratification of the Constitutive Instruments of the Africa Finance Corporation (AFC).

Cabinet further approved the ratification of the Constitutive Instruments of the Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) namely, the Establishment Agreement, the Charter of the AFC, Member States Accession Letters and the Headquarters Agreement in order to finalise the process of obtaining Zambia’s full membership to the AFC and to ascribe to shares at a time when Zambia’s fiscal position improves.

Cabinet approved the ratification as this is in line with Articles 63(2)(e) and 92(2)(c) of the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Act No. 2 of 2016 and the Ratification of International Agreements Act No. 34 of 2016 in order to finalise the process of obtaining Zambia’s full membership to the AFC. The AFC currently has 37 African countries as members.

10. Second Millennium Challenge Compact (MCC)

In winding up deliberations for the 3rd Cabinet Meeting, Cabinet discussed the process of developing the Second Millennium Challenge Compact (MCC) in order to facilitate the mobilisation of grant resources to support economic growth and poverty reduction through enhanced agriculture production, productivity and agro-processing. The grants provided by MCC are in the range of US$350 million to US$500 million and these resources will be able to unlock development hence, end poverty.

The first Compact for Zambia was a US$355 million grant to support the Lusaka Water Supply, Sanitation and Drainage project in select areas of the city of Lusaka. The Lusaka Water, Sanitation and Drainage project implemented under the first Compact closed in November, 2018.

Hon. Chushi Kasanda, MP

25th February, 2023



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