The theft of hospital drugs is a heartless, cruel, and satanic act that prioritizes personal gain over human lives. The lack of patriotism and empathy is staggering. Patients are losing their lives due to unavailable medication, while others profit from their suffering. We must recognize the severity of this issue and take immediate action.

The punishment for stealing hospital drugs must be severe – non-bailable with a death sentence for those found guilty. This will serve as a deterrent and demonstrate our commitment to protecting citizens’ lives. The theft of hospital drugs is tantamount to murder, and those responsible must be held accountable.

President Hakainde Hichilema is working hard to bring sanity to our country, but thieves resist change. As citizens, we must stand with him, as we are the ones affected when resources are stolen. Remember how the recovered $65 million helped provide student bursaries? Imagine what more we could achieve if we stopped corruption!

Let us take collective responsibility for eradicating corruption and ensuring our healthcare system serves the people, not just a few individuals. We must report criminal activities to the relevant authorities. Most of these criminals live in our communities, and we can make a difference. Let us stand together and fight against corruption!

Mellbin Simangolwa
Copperbelt Businessman


  1. Reporting to authorities doesn’t work because the authorities will get their palms oiled. The Idea of making it a criminal offence and non-bailable is the only way to solve this problem.

  2. Amen.

    Well said and put my brother Mr. Mellbin Simangolwa. The President of the Republic of Zambia His Excellency Dr Hakainde Hichilema is trying to do his level best together with some of his hardworking Ministers that includes, especially the ones I admire much, even if being human if they have some few weaknesses here and there especially being in the midst of hardcore enemies the PF but are getting well with the assignments the President is giving them by of course working together and fittings well in the vision of His Excellency the President despite being in the Ministries where PF really destroyed almost everything. They are making a great difference and the result are starting to bear a difference. These are;
    1. Minister of Mines- Honourable Paul Kabuswe. This one is great even when articulating issues and answering questions both when called at ZNBC assignment y Gravazio Zulu. Always relaxed and at peace and answering all questions calmly. His is great now resolving the KCM issue that will bring alot of benefits to our brothers and sister in the whole Copperbelt and surrounding areas. Already MOPANI mine has already started bearing fruits.

    2. Minister of Youth and Sports: Honourable Elvis Nkandu how he articulates issues especially when on campaign trail and mixing his Bemba slung to to attract and deliver the message of hope to the people is tremendous and powerful quite amazing. He is an asset. Even in his constituency though I have never been their, but hearing and watching at what he does and say on both radio and TV he is a great asset indeed representing his people, the party and government at large. Plus his good youthful PSs abena Pilato it is a very good combination at the Ministry of Sports also scoring high especially with the ladies team,the shipolopolo plus sports other sports disciplines, just a let down by the men’s senior National team.
    3. Ministry of Commerce and Industry: Honourable Chipoka Mulenga. Very intelligent, sharp and very focused . Making Zambia a preferred business destination as a number two Zambian marketer .

    4. Minister of Infrastructure: Honourable Milupi. Very serious with his job and making sure he goes on the ground to inspect and verify the transactions and works to answer to the message of quality and timely delivery. Making sure his ministry staff work within the given guidelines and instructions and following up on complaints.

    5. Copperbelt Province Minister. Honourable Elisha Matambo: Man of God. Very cool relaxed but always producing results. Guided always by prayer and the word of God. Even binding situations with faith in Christ JESUS’S name. I saw him even in Luanshya when the bees invaded the meeting at one of the grounds.
    6. Northern Province Minister. Powerful and delivering
    Including few others whom I have not mentioned here.

    My point in bringing out some of the above names is of the purpose of team work. Working together as one. There could be some issues here and there but work is being seen done amidst the voulchers and snakes who are all over spreading rumours and plants poisonous stealing waves.

    So for us to help these honourables, to deliver so that they are not swayed away like in the case of the Minister of health which have been a deen of crooks hiding in their doing corrupt tendencies, we really need to help Honourable Silver Masebo to root out these thieves and like Mr. Mellbin Simangolwa has said once these thieves are caught no need of giving them bails or police bond and they have to be on life imprisonment once convicted because taking medicines elsewhere while in the hospital’s people are complaining of lack of medicines is committing murder while the Directors and other senior staff, at both Ministry of Health and ZAMSA are quiet is very worrying and bad. Because the Minister can not be everywhere he or she relies on the same people but they are doing exactly the opposite while there master’s, the PF are happy and always celebrating to speak ill of the government when they know deep doen themselves that their planted agents – people are the architectures of all these evil things. Too bad.

    Let the Ministry of health cleaned up this mess by firing all the wrong elements and massively effect chigumula- changes and dismissals. Epela.

    As citizens we have to report these people when seen, instead of helping them commit their wrong doings

  3. The president this and that…is he the one working at Zamra? Is he the chief buyer there? Is he the truck driver there. Is he the storeroom man there? Cos thieves worked with drivers and storage staff including buyers etc. Not even the minister or her immediate aides can can leave there houses at night only to go and watch the reception of these drugs at one ka warehouse. On leave daily work to start tracking a kama truck driver. What more of the president.

  4. You Lame Africans , it’s time that you change your mindset. Sick and tired of this. You seating here,hiding behind keyboards or smartphones & being a hero to offer the best comment , won’t help, infact worsens things. Yes am also here typing but here is the thing: if Zamra or truck driver or a CEO or an MP or Minister steals – March to that person’s office or house and boycott there. Even these big business companies DSTV etc , walk to their offices and peacefully air your grievances there , at that office. DSTV can’t increase prices and then u come here to complain or rush to ZNBC or Ministry if information. Go to that persons office and ZNBC/ MOI will find you there already.


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