Stop Being Alarmists; President HH Respects People’s Human Rights- Percy Chanda

    Percy Chanda UPND – Chairman for Mines and Freedom Fighter


    15 TH FEBRUARY 2022


    The PF corrupt elements know too well what they did and what lies ahead of them. They now want to hide in the issue of Human Rights abuse. During the PF’s reign of terror people’s human rights were trumped on with impunity. People were killed in cold blood, maimed and undressed in public for merely putting on UPND regalia. Yet those that are now talking about human rights were dead scared to approach and rebuke PF.

    Where was the Human Rights Commission when PF killed innocent people in cold blood and brutalized others including President HH? Others were part of the PF brutal regime. President HH clearly pronounced himself on the issue of upholding human rights. The claims on human rights abuse are totally unfounded. We are not going to allow these PF criminals to turn their criminality into a personal battle between President HH and this PF criminal gang.

    The Aide camp and the Presidential Barber are Public workers; they are answerable to the Law just like any ordinary citizen. But since PF is criminal gang, their cases have become a PF Party matter. PF wants to dramatize everything, in the process they are just embarrassing themselves this is because in PF leaders have no sense of shame. This luck of shame is a common feature that is found in all criminals. The PF leadership finds it very normal to continue displaying such irrational behavior in front of their children. Because even their families know that they are criminals.

    Of late we have noticed too much excitement in the PF camp upon hearing that the New Dawn Administration has bought mattresses and bunker beds for inmates. Yes, President HH will continue respecting your Human Rights even as inmates. The new Dawn Government will look after you with dignity even in prisons, which you never did for the other inmates. Be assured, you are in safe hands, all what Zambians want to see is justice for all PF victims. Just face the Law. We are just worried about your LAZO behavior; you may just be a nuisance to other inmates. We just need to warn you in advance that there are no politics in prisons, we expect you to behave as ordinary inmates.

    Percy Chanda

    UPND – Chairman for Mines and Freedom Fighter



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