AS the United Party for National Development (UPND)marks three years in office, University and colleges across the country have expressed their satisfaction for the on its efforts, particularly in the education sector.

The students spoke through their national leadership at a press briefing in Lusaka this morning.

Joseph Muteba, a student leader from the University of Zambia and member National Council of Student Unions (NACOSU) commended the UPND administration for increasing the number of students receiving educational loans.

“With the coming in of this government, there has been an increment in the number of students that have been awarded loans,” Muteba stated.

He noted that the number of loan beneficiaries at the University of Zambia has risen to approximately 11,000 students.

Muteba also praised the government’s decision to reinstate meal allowances, which were previously scrapped by the former administration, and highlighted the increase in these allowances.

“There was an increment in meal allowances from a certain amount to a higher amount,” he said, adding that this has alleviated concerns for students from less privileged backgrounds.

He also mentioned the increase in accommodation allowances, stating that students were overjoyed after receiving K3,900 in accommodation allowance, which was previously only a paltry K1,000.

Evelyn Hone College vice president Jameson Muleya acknowledged the UPND government’s efforts despite inheriting “empty coffers” and commended them for their work, particularly for the youth.

He urged young people to engage with the national youth policy and understand their entitlements.

Muleya encouraged constructive dialogue over criticism, particularly regarding issues like load shedding. “Instead of us criticising this government, let us provide ideas and solutions,” he said.

Bill Chaiwa, another student leader, spoke about the increase in student enrollment across educational institutions, crediting government interventions for this surge.

He also highlighted the government’s efforts to address load shedding and called on students to be “tools with the agenda of developing this country,” rather than tools of violence.

And Natural Resources Development College (NRDC) president Misheck Mumba clarified that their support for the government is not politically motivated but rooted in the students’ responsibility to praise, criticise, or recommend when necessary.

He applauded the government’s efforts to tackle unemployment, noting that over 75,000 public service workers have been employed in the past three years—a feat he said was unprecedented in the previous regime.

Mumba also called on the government to expedite the provision of solar energy systems in public institutions to address the loadsheding issues.

Meanwhile, NACOSU acting SG administration Vincent Sakala criticised opposition parties for failing to provide adequate checks and balances.

He urged the government to uphold the rule of law, particularly in prosecuting those involved in corruption.

“As a student movement, we will not tolerate anarchy in this country. We will not allow politicians to use us as tools in political expedience,” Sakala declared, asserting the students’ role as current leaders who will hold the government accountable.


  1. The remocal of meal allowance was one of the most heartless policies of the notorious PF.

    It is had to imagine how one can focus on studies on an empty stomach. The brain accounts for only 2% of the body weight but uses 20-30% of the energy intake. In PF’s wisdom, food is not important to students.

  2. This is what I like when dealing with intellectuals, they can understand and articulate issues based on facts. Not bitter chaps injured by failure to eat from government coffers. Most of the opposition members do not mean well but exhibit bitterness due to lack of access to national coffers. PF chaps are bitter. All this noise is because they know that the nose on corruption cases is tightening slowly and are panicking. Most of the vocal chaps are those who directly benefited from the corruption activities of the PF regime.
    I liked what winter kabimba said last week that UPND should not do politics as though it’s a church.

  3. You cannot be methodical ba kateka when dealing with a thug who has no regard for the law. Give kabimba home affairs ministry and for Mr mwiimbu, create a ministry for religious affairs. We need people who understand politics. I am working for a corporate entity where they treasure methodical approach. Ba kateka, that’s not corporate but politics.

    Personally, I would be happy to select and recruit a few guys either from MMD or PF who are extremely good at media issues and/ or marketing to counter Emmanuel Mwamba & Fred Mmembe’s lies. Even Edigar needs a formidable media team to counter his empty claims

  4. It is so nice to have a responsible group of objective young men who see sense in a focused leadership regardless of the noise coming out of the house of the gangster ridden opposition.
    This is a youthful sea of wise and upcoming leaders who we must treasure and nurture into tomorrow’s leaders. Not that bunch of looters, murderers, gas canons, tribalists, mafias, whatever evil name you can give them4!
    This is a level headed people looking at the good coming out of UPND rather than the propaganda from those with tainted backgrounds and a legacy of violence and divisive tendencies. Let’s have more youth talking positives and not negatives.
    God is not Sleeping!


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