Suspension of Judges is illegal as complaint against them was heard and settled by the JCC- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

Suspension of Judges is illegal as complaint against them was heard and settled by the JCC

The suspension of the 3 Constitutional Court Judges is illegal, as the complaint on which the suspension was based, was heard by the Judicial Complaints Commission (JCC) and was thoroughly dismissed.

In this case, Green Party President, Peter Sinkamba complained against the judges who were represented by Vincent Malambo SC.

The JCC ruled that Judges cannot be fired on allegations of incompetency and judicial misconduct, for merely rendering rulings and judgements.


  1. No Mr. Mwamba, the suspension of the three Judges is not illegal. It is the JCC which you are alluding to that have recommended their suspension to the President. If the matter was already heard, when did the then President suspend them and did they appear before the JCC to exculpate themselves and suspension lifted after hearing? Those days of lawlessness are over. Let justice prevail.

  2. What is Mr. Mwamba’s interest in these judges? Is there something we should know about them and Mr. Mwamba? These are not simple people who cannot defend themselve in the courts of law so why this obsessive interest to defend them by Mr. Mwamba?


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