Tayali’s Rantings Are Like A Mosquito In The Dark – Simon Mwewa Lane


By Simon Mwewa Lane.
First of all, let’s make something abundantly clear. Tayali’s children are utterly ashamed of their father.

I mean let’s be honest. His grown children walk around with their heads bowed down because their Father is a raving lunatic that has no moral compass. He talks about the virtues of family and fatherhood…but he possess none.

A man who has been to court and charged with rape. A man who, by his own admission says, he used to ferry prostitutes from one hotel to another. A man who shot a Live video boasting about his sexual escapades with Ruth at Barn Motel. Are you telling me his Children are proud of that type of behaviour? I seriously doubt it.

A man that shamelessly pretended to be raided by balliffs so that he could gain the public’s sympathy. [ to this day he avoids this topic because he knows what he did ] Tayali defrauded people that felt a sense of empathy towards him. He conned them, laughed and took advantage of their kindness.

He did all of this so that he could pay for his lavish, albeit pretentious wedding ceremony in Abbyssinia [ The Ethiopian Empire ] and yet this is the same Man that calls himself an aspiring Presidential Candidate. Nonsense! Absolute hogwash.

The only difference between Tayali and Shrek is this…Shrek’s love for Fiona on the big screen is real. Tayali’s Facebook marriage is a complete sham. Tsega won’t return to such a reckless irresponsible chap.His existence is a train wreck in slow motion.

You can see every aspect of his disastrous life in vivid detail. The Russian roulette type politics he plays will only disadvantage him and his children. The name Tayali has now become synonymous with words like “conman, crook, Judas, slanderer, accuser of the brethren”… the list is endless.

Lastly, allow me to say, Tayali is too blind to see the folly of his ways. He has a sense of self righteousness that is off-putting, to say the least. He points at the speck in people’s eyes and yet ignores the Tree that is permanently lodged between his crooked glasses and his eyes.
Brace yourself conman…your day of reckoning approaches swiftly.



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