FORMER President Edgar Lungu has told the Voice of America (VOA) that is wrong for President Hakainde Hichilema to continue calling him and senior leaders of the Patriotic Front (PF) thieves without telling Zambians what he had stolen while in government.

Former President Lungu said he had been one of Zambia’s top lawyers and had handled high-profile cases from as far back as 1991 and had been President of Zambia for seven years and made his money legitimately.

“I made my money, that I can tell you and slowly, I brought my children into business and they started working on their own and so did my wife. I was one of the top lawyers. So, how we acquired that money, the wealth is there for everyone to see. There is a track record from my practice as a lawyer, way up to my political time. These things do not come over night https://epaper.dailynationzambia.com/public/


  1. Is HH the cpurts? Is HH law enforcement?
    Mr. Lungu should not act like a “kaponya” he is a lawyer and knows how the law works.
    Why is he making suggesting that “due process” will prove.
    Primea facae the facts lead to what is being suggested.
    His wife and kids have assets that they can not explain. One daughter has admited that its her father that gave her the money. We keeping running around in circles. Let them admit to the facts.
    Their aquired wealth has to have a logical explaination. And already the suggestion leads to him.
    Let it be on record. So that its a matter of recors and fact. Then law enforcement will follow the facts to their end. These “marketeer” tantruns dont help him, more so if he has nothing to hide.
    There outburst are what James Hadley Chase wrote about in “Guilty are afraid”. Even those that are trolling him and egging him on. You are just as guilty as he is…ba mu shaninan bwali. Go out there and do an honest days work for once in your lives….wanting to live off the hard work of others?

    • Like the Roman Emperor Nero, you are fiddling while Rome(Zambia) burns (from hunger,load shedding, poor public services, failed governing etc) Focus on BallyFixing Zambia!

  2. Adada muli na kaleya!
    As a Lawyer you claim to be, is it not the courts to determine your case?
    And if you know you are innocent, why the apprehension?
    Your behavior alone is telling us that you have a lot to hide!
    What happened to your right to remain silent? Don’t you know it is dangerous to be too talkative while having active court cases?

  3. Part of the problem is that our watchdog institutions do not see it as their responsibility to check if the President, that is, their commander-in-chief and appointing authority, is always acting in the best interests of the Republic of Zambia. There’s need to have this stipulated in the constitution so that presidential abuse of office can be flaggec. It’s always possible for a criminal to get elected as President.

  4. Last time I checked you couldn’t afford to pay your own nomination fees. It’s an open secret that your nomination fees were paid by courtesy of Mr Chikwanda. Remember how you were taught by Mwamba to cry loud at independence stadium where you said reach people like GBM should not be allowed to become president. That is on video.

  5. This why it is important to have convictions instead of the convinient forfeiture of property arrangement that the DEC and AAC are championing.

    We know that Mr. Lungu and his ilk liberally helped themselves to our resources. What the LEAs need to do is build a watertight case against the perpetrators of this corruption and secure convictions in the courts of law.

    Mr. Lungu has thrown a challenge to the LEAs and rightly so. We cannot continue accussing him of corruption and raiding the national treasury without irrefutable evedence and conviction in the courts of law. His wife and children are appearing in the courts of law. Let us wait for the verdict.

    This kind of confidence exhibited by Mr. Lungu can only mean that he thinks he covered his tracks pretty well and can escape scrutiny by the LEAs. Talk of the perfect crime. But there is ways a slip up.

  6. HH lawyers like saying things differently. Poor lawyers say stuff in a wishy washy way like Lungu is doing. He is actually saying “Charge me!” or “send Musamba to arrest me!”

  7. It’s interesting to hear that Edgar was a top lawyer. Does a dignified top lawyer steal from clients ? And sadly a poor widow ! If he doesn’t know or remember what he let him be reminded that he stole money through inflating projects. Most loans were shared with his Ministers and high profile friends.

  8. Just explain to investigative wings what you are
    Telling the media.Give them the yearly financial
    Accounts and taxes paid to ZRA.That will set
    You free.Not verbal statements.

  9. Ecl you stole the whole of Zambia and raped us in the process too.
    May you rot before you die, CHIKALA cha wee so

  10. Don’t even go there Your Excellency. You are on vedio clip record to encourage your colleagues to steal.
    What did you mean when you said , ” I have said this and I will say it again. Ubomba mwibala alya mwibala. But tabalila kumo nembuto.”
    They all cheered you. Libala lyabanani mwalebomba? INSONI EBUNTU. Reflect on your past seven years of terror.
    Do not fool Zambians and do not take us for granted.


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