The complaint against  3  Constitutional Court Judges over their handling of the 2016 presidential election petition was dealt with and closed – Amb.  Emmanuel Mwamba


By Amb.  Emmanuel Mwamba

This complaint against the judges was dealt with

The matter regarding the complaints against the judges of the Constitutional Court over their handling of the 2016 presidential election petition, was settled and closed by the Judicial Complaints Commission(JCC) after Green Party President, Peter Sinkamba raised the matter.

At the time, the Judges were represented by the current JCC Chairperson, Hon.Vincent Malambo SC.

In his new role as JCC Chairperson, Hon. Vincent Malambo advised the complainants twice, that this matter was settled.

The President and the JCC are therefore advised to abandon this process forthwith.


    • Someone please give this man a job, he has too much time on his hands. What makes him think the mishandling of the presidential elections on the only reason the suspended judges errored in? He says the complaints were delt with by JCC but is it not the same JCC which submitted their finding and recommendations to the president for the judges to be suspended? Can’t he just for once wait for the whole process to be completed and know the actual reasons that led to the suspensions of the judges instead of rushing to the public with wrong information? Besides, these are judges and know the law very well and can take the matter to court if they think their suspension has no legal standing but Mr. Mwamba is busy talking about things he doesn’t fully understand.


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