THE CORRUPT CANNOT FIGHT CORRUPTION….. It’s revenge using state machinery

THE CORRUPT CANNOT FIGHT CORRUPTION….. It’s revenge using state machinery.

10th October, 2024

1. President Hichilema for the past 3 years has purposefully ignored corruption in his own Government and amongst senior UPND officials despite well meaning citizens calling him to show political will and stamp it out.

2. Grand revelations of covering up corruption cases involving the ‘Presidents men’, senior UPND officials and the subsequent resignation of the ACC DG can only be referred to as ‘stuff’ hitting the fan and it is all over his new dawn government.

3. Civil service appointments to promotions, awarding of contracts, paying local contractors, procurement of goods and services are all smeared with corruption under President Hichilema’s Government.

4. Incompetence, nepotism and embezzlement of funds is the order of the day by those in power and around power. Individuals and company’s first align themselves with the ruling party to access government contracts.

5. Politicisation or caderization of state institutions has contributed to the high corruption levels in President Hichilema’s Government. We need strong independent institutions with enough bite force to fight corruption.

6. Corruption hurts the country no matter who is involved, corruption depletes the trust the people have in their government and public officials. Corruption wastes tax payers money earmarked for the people needs.

7. President Hichilema must stop this corruption for the benefit of all our citizens. The Presidents yard stick on the fight against corruption must be based on law and not personal feelings.

8. What President Hichilema is doing is not fighting corruption but revenge against his perceived political enemies found wanting.

God Bless the Republic of Zambia.


Silavwe Jackson

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