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The Police And The Courts Must Help To Stop These Tribal Language Once And For All



Authored By Mupishi Jones

This trend of masking our own personal transgressions under the guise of tribal and political persecution must be addressed forthwith!
Some people must not hide behind their tribes from facing justice because everyone in this country has a tribe where he can hide behind once the law visits him.

Therefore, treating people like Munir with kid gloves and worse still letting them go scot free because of his tribe, is itself tribal and has unintended consequences on the rule of law.

There has been a growing tendency, of late, from some sections of the opposition political party members when called in their individual capacity to explain on some criminal activities against their past conduct to cry tribal persecution.

It was evident that corruption during the past regime was endemically widespread.PF officials were looting at a scale never seen before in this country.They were looting to their hearts content.Top and low ranked government officials were competing for the top slot on the ‘most corrupt person’.It was “ubomba mwibala alya mwibala “.
That was one of the major reasons why the PF of Edgar Chagwa Lungu lost power.

Everyone knew including themselves, that a day will come when all those who were participating in corruption to face the law.As a matter of fact,that was the wish and dream of many Zambians.

Yes, it might appear like only one or two tribes are being targeted by the investigative agencies, but the truth of the matter is that these same two tribes were the ones who dominated almost all senior government positions during the past regime! Therefore, the probability of picking a suspect who served in the previous regime from these two tribes is much higher than from the rest of the tribes.

Therefore, this should not be masked under tribal or political persecution.It is individuals and not political groupings that are being summoned to answer to the charges being levelled against them.Innocent ones are being cleared and guilty ones are going in.

However using tribe as a shield against facing the law is in itself lawlessness which must not be entertained.

Like it has been said before, societies have been destroyed not by careless individuals like Munir Zulu but by those entrusted with the authority to curb such behaviour, and yet they are watching without taking decisive and deterrent action!

Munir thinks and believes he’s saying and doing the right thing within his constitutional rights until the law in an equal tone visits and reminds him otherwise.
Tribal divisions in societies are started through the same careless language like that of Munir Zulu and other like minded.
This kind of einflammatory language from Munir must be stopped once and for all.The only way it can be stopped from spreading to other regions is by meting out strong deterrent sentence once proven guilty in the competent courts of law

Anyone who would support Munir Zulu on that kind of divisive tribal language he was using is himself or herself an enemy of national unity.

I submit

Mupishi Jones


  1. To be fair to Edith Nawakwi, her language is devoid of tribal hatred. She just said that the state was involved in JJ Banda’s disappearance or abduction. Even Brebner Changala merely said the state had a hand in the abduction.

    • That is the true definition of “sedition”. You put it so well. Actually it is worse than tribal hate speech.
      Nawakwi is educated so she knows the legal implication. Her statements and those of Mabonga are at a wide variance…hers are more dangerous because they personally attack the occupant of our national Presidency almost equal to treason.


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