THE REAL REASON WHY APOSTLE DAN PULE WAS ARRESTED…. His arrest is a message to the larger Zambian Church planning to host UKA – Silavwe Jackson

CDP Leader, Apostle Dan Pule
CDP Leader, Apostle Dan Pule


…. His arrest is a message to the larger Zambian Church planning to host UKA.


At 70 years of age Apostle Dan Pule has served our Nation Zambia politically, spiritually and in business. Served as Minister and Deputy Minister in Dr. Chiluba’s Government.

Apart from politics, Apostle Dan Pule has been been one of the senior pentecostal and evangelical leading figures in the Nation of Zambia. Presiding over Dunamis Miracles Church as a senior pastor for years.

Apostle Pule is also a steady business man, having been one of the earliest Zambians to open an accounting firm when it was not common for locals to do so. Yes his personal life is not without controversy. He is not a saint.

From his long, blessed life there’s no doubt that Apostle Pule is a patriot, a man who loves this country with everything in him. It defies common sense that such a man can be charged with inciting tribal war and espionage.


  1. It’s because Apostle Pule hosted a special prayer service for the United Kwacha Alliance, UKA on Sunday, 19th May, 2024 and in UKA there’s the former President of Zambia, Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

The motive of arresting Apostle Pule is the same one when a Police Inspector entered Bishop Clement Mulenga’s office in Kabwe to tell President Lungu to stop the meeting.

It is the same motive that stopped the Mandevu rally by armed Zambia Police accompanied by panga/machete wielding UPND cadres.

It is the same motive that made the UPND cadres to go to DEC and sing songs full of insults targeting President Lungu in full view of armed Zambia Police.

It is the same motive that made the police command to deploy 2 Toyota land cruisers and UPND cadres when it was rumoured that the former President was going to take his wife, Mama Esther Lungu to matebeto market in thornpark on her birthday

  1. It’s because Apostle Pule belongs to the United Kwacha Alliance, UKA where the former President, Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu is alliance partner.

In the mind of President Hichilema, UPND and their supporters, UKA leaders and members are less Zambian who have no rights whatsoever in their own Country.

To them everything UPND is right and anything critical to President Hichilema and UPND is deemed ENEMY OF THE STATE that must vanquished using State institutions.

As long as one is critical of President Hichilema and UPND even your reputation, position or age does not matter. Even your life is threatened by UPND cadres whilst the Police do nothing.

The arrest and subsequent detention of Apostle Pule for more than 7 days is meant to send a clear message to the larger Zambian Church that ‘should you host UKA’, this will be the result.

Zambia belongs to all of us even when President Hichilema and UPND does not agree with our political associations and positions on various national issues.

To criminalize your fellow countrymen and women just because one has State institutions on their side is a serious lack of national leadership. Let us coexist in harmony.

One Zambia, One Nation.

Silavwe Jackson


  1. This is childish reasoning. Pule was arrested for formenting tribal division. And the police charged him and documented the same. Anything beyond that is wild and unfounded speculation. Keep your guess work founded on bitterness and malice to yowaselufu. We are not interested.

  2. You can support your tyrannical government of UPND. For sure what you have started will reach you soon or later. Arrest them and detain your sore enemies but what you are forgetting is you will not win but hardened people and fight back in a non violence against you. You can put all your loyalists at ECZ, police commissioners in provinces , elections retaining officers or intimidate the electors but the price that you will be paying will be heavy and painful.use your power in the modesty and restraint manner because the power that you are abusing is temporary and the power corrupts because it does not last long and because it belongs to the people then reflect each time you are making mistakes

  3. Talk on somebody else, truely Pule is a qualified accountant but as an Appostle he is failure. Politically is a failure with no morales. He just a scandalous with one motive money making. Politically he failed in the Chiluba govt, as an MP he failed as an Appostle full of scandals only in his business he can talk about.

    • Seems like while he maybe a qualified accountant. He has failed at his practice and using the Pulpit for self agrandisment than worship

  4. Ba Silavwe, please donot misuse the name of God. That meeting WAS NOT a prayer gathering. It was a political gathering disguised as a prayer meeting.

    Is the meeting being remembered for the way the Holy Spirit moved people to fervently pray for our nation? No! It is in the news for the political fallout! Does this political fallout honour God?

    The Bible says “my name is blasphemed among the gentiles because of you”. Mr. Pule has brought the name of God into disrepute.

  5. Iwe Jackson you have been critical of govt why have you not been arrested? Chishala Kateka is critical of govt , has she been arrested?The video is there where this disgraced priest shamelessly said tribal things. He even blamed the election of Chiyenge Council Secretary to tribalism! Shame on you all! UKA is composed of so called opposition leaders who have no bearing on Zambia’s political scene, zero. None of you have even a councilor, zero; and we did not hear of any convention where you elected officials of your party, and you have the audacity to criticize this govt? Confine your authority and orders to your own family unit where they respect you as head of their home.

  6. But what is Hichilema and Upnd achieving from being tyrannical! They are becoming more and more unpopular. Come 2026 they are cry and cry and cry!


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