Home Sport Football The ´success´full´ glass of Enoch Mwepu…following the announcement of a heart condition

The ´success´full´ glass of Enoch Mwepu…following the announcement of a heart condition


Anthony Mukwita

The ´success´full´ glass of Enoch Mwepu
…following the announcement of a heart condition


The first time I met Enoch Mwepu was September 2019 in the historic town of Salzburg, Austria.
That warm afternoon, Enoch was not kicking leather, so I sat with him in the open stadium terraces and watch his teammate Patson Daka into play.
Later, we retired back up to the secured private VIP cubicles for some ´ eats and treats´ courtesy of one of the richest clubs in the Austrian Bundesliga, FC Redbull Salzburg.

Enoch donned a snow-white shirt, blue jeans, and a dark jacket, his open face easily lit up with an effortless permanent smile.
I could feel myself being in the presence of greatness and humility or rolled into one.
Enoch was only 21, on top of his game, rising and confident when I met him.
Fans buzzed around our bench to take pictures, shake hands with him and express pleasantries he responded to in perfect Deutsch. It was like bees on honey.

I was Zambia´s Ambassador Extra Ordinary and Plenipotentiary to Germany and Austria then, so myself and our embassy Press guru Kellys Kaunda decided earlier in the year that beyond Economic, Cultural and Public Diplomacy, we must cut a niche into what we called Sports Diplomacy.

The ultimate use of loved sports identities as a Soft Power bait and allure to win hearts and souls. Enoch and Patson were ´diplomatic gold´, they still are, just like the Great Kalusha Bwalya before them, the GOAT.
The simple reason is that in their early 20s, filling up stadiums with over 50, 000 people of totally different cultures, Enoch and Patson where perfect diplomats to fly Zambia´s flag high and give it a good name. They were Rocksters in Bundesliga, I fully believed only the sky would limit them.

The Redbull Salzburg Management were elated to have an embassy delegation root for their boys…” our boys.”
´Die Roten Bullen´ is a multi-billion-euro soccer company founded almost 90 years ago, it´s the gift that keeps on giving the town of Salzburg, without disappointing, Enoch and Patson were a part of it.

After that, we instantaneously became ´family´ members, either Kellys or me would engage the lads, even if it meant just checking on them. Enoch and Patson became semi-permanent fixtures as “Sports Diplomats” on our embassy page, they were, are a national treasure.
It was therefore heart wrenching when I first read that the bubbly humble and symbol of affection (Enoch) had a heart condition that could affect his future in kicking leather. We pray for him.

Is the Enoch´s Glass half full or empty?

While everybody wore knightly colours today and beat their fists on their chests, however, I recalled something in the smile and the determination tone I picked from Enoch, the first time I met him. He´s got chutzpah.
“Is the glass full or empty?” as I always confess, I am an incurable romantic who believes that ´the sun will rise and shine again´, life always gives you a ´fresh start´ where the second chance is elusive, it shall be for Enoch.

I believe, maybe because of the “Power of the Holy Ghost y áll”! God is not through with using Enoch for the best of Zambia, for himself and family.

I believe out of this temporary medical set back will emerge an even bigger Enoch—a GOAT and juggernaut that shall shock many with success and inspiration, thanks to an early diagnostic report, new medical, technical advancements, and the power of God.

How Many Have Risen from The Valley?

My ´come back´ inspiration stories are many, but I chose to pick from the sports ilk Enoch comes from, in no order of importance to share my version of the great story of Enoch.

Muhammad Ali aka Casius Clay

Do you remember the story of the man that ´danced like a butterfly and stung like a bee´?
Muhammad Ali got Parkinson’s disease in 1984. Scientists call it ´a degenerative condition´ that affects the central nervous system.
Muhammed Ali lives on today and Parkinson can’t be mentioned without him because of his amazing awareness campaigns around the ailment.
Ali may have lost the battle but won the war. POTUS Barack Obama said, “Muhammad Ali was the greatest. Period.”

The Fastest Woman on Earth: Wilma Rudolph

If you are not from the 60´s like I am not, you may not know the fastest woman on earth, I don’t mean Wonder Woman.
I am talking about Wilma Rudolph she got the name after striking gold at least three times in track and field events in the Olympics of 1960.
One of Wilma´s legs was smaller than the other being paralyzed with the deadly polio virus.
Wilma wore a brace on the deformed part of the leg when she achieved the unachievable and later recovered fully except for the size of the leg studies say.

Rudolph survived several other illnesses by the time she was 12years, whooping cough, scarlet fever and measles to mention but a few.

Venus Williams the Tennis Dazzler

Venus Williams was in 2011 diagnosed with the ´Sjogren’s syndrome´. I know it sounds alien if you are Zambian like me but it’s a serious ´autoimmune disorder´.
It causes ´fatigue and joint pains ‘that can be unfathomable for a star athlete of Venus creed et al, it forced her to ´hang up her boots´ temporarily and withdraw from major tourneys in 2011.
After that Venus returned to tennis with a new diet and modified training programs and won games.
Like Bono´s U2 would croon, “through the storm we reached the shore,” better things will happen to Enoch after this temporary setback.
Me myself personally, I believe a great future lies ahead of our lad, one of the best Sports Diplomats Zambia has had and will continue having given his youthful age of only 24.

Remember Kirk Franklin´s award winning song ´Today´s a New Day, ´ folks, “even though I hurt see I smile…I know God´s working so I smile.”

Enoch ´young blood´ stay calm, God´s got your back! You have brought so much joy and inspiration to Zambia across the narrow political divide, you will achieve much more in future.

Amb. AM 10.10.22 picture by Kellys Kaunda



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