Home Politics PF The UPND are on a self destructive path- Nickson Chilangwa

The UPND are on a self destructive path- Nickson Chilangwa

Nickson Chilangwa
Nickson Chilangwa


Greetings Country Men and Women, and all PF faithfuls countrywide and beyond!

As you are all aware from events of today and the last couple of weeks, The UPND are on a self destructive path!

Today Tuesday 14th November 2023, Three of our top leaders in the PF namely Vice President Hon Given Lubinda, SG Hon Raphael Nakacinda and our Chairman for Information Amb Emmanuel Mwamba were summoned to go to Police Force HQ, where on arrival they were sent to Ibex Hill Police station from where they were taken to 3 different Police Stations namely Westwood Police Station on Mumbwa road, Emmasdale and Chilenje Police stations, respectively!

Our colleagues have since been charged for various flimsy offences and have been remanded in custody

All efforts to have them bonded failed, though sureties had stepped forward and ready! Obviously the Police wanted to humiliate our leaders as has become the norm under the new dawn under the leadership of President HH

Our colleagues have been visited by senior leaders and their families and l can report that they are in High spirits and we look forward to a better day tomorrow!

The action to arrest our colleagues by the out going UPND government is a feeble ploy to divert attention of our people, the country at large and the international community from the mess they created at the registrar of societies, the drama they have created in Parliament, the free falling kwacha, the miles Sampa retreat cum general conference, the high cost of Living, the IMF bailout mess, The Catholic Pastoral letter and the many other issues too too many to itemise! BUT THIS WILL NOT WORK AS ZAMBIANS ARE ALERT AND ALIVE TO WHAT IS GOING ON!

What is worrying is that the more people appeal to the UPND to check their bearings as they seem to be stearing the country in the wrong direction, the more adamant, retributive and aggressive they get like someone has bewitched them!

Surely this is not why the Zambians voted for change in 2021

I appeal to the UPND government to these time and resource wasting gymnastics and re-focus on real issues which are hurting the Zambians!

President HH the country is hurting and getting more and more polarised! Please take a moment to think properly and think through issues!

Zambia can only be good if it is good for all of us!

To all our members, supporters and the general population! These arrests have not created any vacuum in the leadership of our party!

Tomorrow Wednesday, 25th November 2023 we will be visiting our colleagues starting with Chilenje Police at 08.30 hours, then Emmasdale and ending up at Westwood on Mumbwa road

Thank you for your support and prayers, please continue praying and interceding for our motherland and it’s leadership!

This is just but a passing phase and it will bring grief to all perpetrators! Just like what happened to Pharaoh and the Egyptians!

Psalms 23 Vs 4 – 6

4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, l will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the lord forever

Nickson Chilangwa, MP, AIH, MCC
Deputy Secretary General
Patriotic Front


  1. Stop vomiting rubbish, let the courts decide if the charges are trumped up or not. You go on commiting crimes in the name of opposition so that when you are arrested you shout “wolf”?

    You can fool some people sometimes but not all the people all the time. STUPID IDIOTS.


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