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Those three Judges were trending a lot on social media during the controversial third term bid by ECL and Controversial Presidential Petition



Apparently , these three were trending a lot on social media during the controversial third term bid by ECL and Controversial Presidential Petition.

John Sangwa SC. seriously differed with these judges , inclduing Martha Mushipe leading to her suspension of practicing license .

One of the judges could allow a lawyer representing ECL and his vice to go into chamber with a gun and a body guard armed also until the court intervened upon counsel to the plaintiff raising it as a matter  of concern .

Sadly , some people had an opportunity to reform  and serve the nation and not politicians , but I do not know what came into their minds .

Perhaps we wait and see what the trio did . We have to wait for the Judicial Complaints Commission.

I do remember that  Mr Sata could not joke on such; Immediately , he got into State House,  he flushed out some  compromised judges and some had to resign on their own . I am sure citizens do recall how some judges immediately resigned on thier own.

Some people should thank God that they have a president who could allow many people time to reform .

By the way , KBF once told the nation on Prime TV’s oxygen  of Democracy that they were meeting judges at night during the Presidential petition; there is need for us to know who those judges are . They are a threat to national security.

In Mexico , the President moved to dissolve the whole judiciary and asked for fresh applications.

Under Edgar Lungu , he threatened to go the Kenyan way of dissolving the judiciary as well . Let’s see what he will say now .

Sangwa in fact even went to the extent of advocating  for the revocation of appointment of judges .



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