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Dear Editor
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Allow me to express my displeasure on the current happenings in our once United country and now divided based on tribe of course by President Lungu and his people.

Not long ago I head HH using a word pamunyoko and it was interpreted 95% by non Tonga speaking people to mean it’s an insult which is not the case. Surprising enough some Tonga speaking people started apologizing and feeling bad because they were told by non Tonga speaking people like Mutale Mwanza, Steven Kapyongo, Dora SILIYA etc that it’s an insult what kind of stupidity is this? I have few questions though:

1) Who are these non Tonga speaking selfish and stupid individuals to interpret Tonga in Bemba or Nyanja? Who do they think they are?

2) Are they saying speaking Tonga is now a crime under the leadership of president Lungu?
3) Why do these people hate Tonga as a tribe so much such that the whole government machinery is up to fighting the tribe if they are into politics why don’t they end on fighting their competitors than fighting the whole Tonga as a tribe?

4) I heard Mutale Mwanza and Pzee on hot FM whole heatedly very sure saying Pamunyoko is an insult when these two individuals don’t even know a ward in Tonga what kind of hate is this towards Tonga as a tribe?

Tonga tribe is not a door mart or a tissue like tribe to remove your dirty from it is a bonafide Zambian tribe like any other tribe in the country, we have been victimized for too long as a tribe enough is enough every Jim and Jake pops up to demean one tribe STOP IT NOW before you regret

Not long from now we the people of Tonga tribe will stand up to defend ourselves from the daily redicule we are going through and I promise it won’t be good for the whole country, that I have no doubt.
Thank you



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