Home Politics UPND Toothless and lifeless-the case of the Human Rights Commission- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

Toothless and lifeless-the case of the Human Rights Commission- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


Emmanuel Mwamba

Toothless and lifeless-the case of the Human Rights Commission

I took my case where I was brutally assaulted by the Police, to the Human Rights Commission of Zambia.

I submitted signed medical records and evidence in pictures.

Todate the so-called Human Rights Commission has never gotten back to me about my official complaint.

Infact shortly after I submitted my complaint, one of the Commissioners ( Laura Miti) mocked my injuries and my case in her postings on social-media pages!

Infact I cringed with trembling fear when I saw the policemen breaking the hone of Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) President, Sean Tembo. It’s the same group that brutalised me. I was therefore not surprised that he was later brutally beaten and his leg almost broken.

Imagine I’m former Permanent Secretary, former Ambassador and former Permanent Representative..I wonder what happens to the case of ordinary people.

One would assume that since the Human Rights Commission is an independent constitutional body established under Article 125 of the Constitution of Zambia and its autonomy is guaranteed by Article 125(2) of the Constitution and Section 3 of the Human Rights Commission Act No. 39 of 1996, you would expect it to have even baby or milk teeth!



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