Treat John Sangwa As A Political Opponent Wherever He Is Found, PF In Lusaka Directs Its Members

    Kennedy Kamba
    Kennedy Kamba


    ….we will nolonger entertain his nonsense vows Chairman Kennedy Kamba.

    LUSAKA, Saturday, May 22, 2021 (SMART EAGLES)

    The Patriotic Front (PF) Lusaka Leadership has directed all its members to turn out in numbers and show solidarity to His Excellency Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu when he appears before the Court whenever a date is set for hearing in his Presidential petition.

    PF Lusaka Province Chairman MCC. Kennedy Kamba has also directed party members to treat the Lawyer John Sangwa as a political opponent wherever he is found.

    Chairman Kamba said the party is not happy and is concerned on the misconduct being exhibited by Mr. Sangwa.

    He said Mr. Sangwa is now playing politics as the matter of President Edgar Lungu’s illegibilty has already been dealt with by the Constitutional Court.

    He stated that the party will therefore treat him as a politician because he is politicizing the issue.

    “What he is trying to do is politicize the matter when it has already been dealt with by the Constitutional Court. Therefore, We will no longer entertain this nonsense by John Sangwa,” he said.

    “All our party Structures in Lusaka should come in numbers at the court premises when the matter comes up in Court and support our leader President Edgar Chagwa Lungu. Our members should come for the hearing whenever the Court sets the date.”

    MCC. Kamba said the party is concerned by the misconduct Mr. Sangwa who seems to be extremely frustrated and bitter to an extent that he wants the law and the electoral code to be changed to suit his own selfish agenda.

    “We know very well that people like John Sangwa who claims to be a renowned lawyer and a few individuals have formed a cartel to try by whatever means possible to drag President Lungu in the mud and try to paint him black in the eyes of Zambians when the Constitution was clear that he was eligible to stand,” he added.

    He said the party will not allow President Lungu’s name to be dragged in Sangwa’s bitterness who has now gone to an extent of trying to compel the Court and the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to change the law to suit his bitterness and frustrations.

    “We want to state clearly here that we will defend the Presidency and President Lungu. Even when the case comes up, we will be there to give solidarity,” he said.

    Chairman Kamba further stated that John Sangwa and some political party leaders have been attempting to influence the minds of people into falsely believing that President Lungu was not eligible to stand in 2021.

    “These people who are claiming that President Lungu is not eligible to stand are just trying to bring unnecessary debate and confusion because the Highest Courts of the land, the Constitutional Court interpreted the law accordingly and cleared President Lungu that he only served one term,” he said.

    The Lusaka PF Boss has since warned the ANTI-ECL Cartel to stop the malice because they are embarrassing themselves and will not be taken kindly by the ruling party.

    He has since urged Sangwa and all those who are excited and making weird claims about President Lungu’s eligibility, to begin to demonstrate sobriety because their hatred for the Head of State will not take them anywhere.



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