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U.S. Air Force man dies after setting himself on fire in protest of civilian deaths in Gaza

U.S. Air Force man dies after setting himself on fire in protest of civilian deaths in Gaza

An airman, identified as Aaron Bushnell, 25, from San Antonio, passed away on Sunday night after setting himself on fire in protest of civilian deaths in Gaza outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington.

The incident, confirmed by the U.S. Air Force spokeswoman Rose M. Riley, occurred amid ongoing protests against Israel‘s military offensive.

The man setting himself on fire was captured in a livestream on Twitch, where Mr. Bushnell expressed his opposition to the conflict and shouted, “Free Palestine!”

In the video, Mr. Bushnell, dressed in military outfit, declared his refusal to be complicit in what he referred to as genocide.

The act of protest unfolded as he doused himself in a clear liquid from a metal bottle, igniting the flames while proclaiming his support for Palestine.

Law enforcement officers rushed to the scene, attempting to extinguish the fire before he fell to the ground.

The Secret Service was the first to respond, and Mr. Bushnell was transported to the hospital with life-threatening injuries.

The video, later removed by Twitch for violating platform guidelines, featured a Palestinian flag as its header image.

The Israeli Embassy reported no injuries among its staff, and authorities, including the Secret Service and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, are collaborating with the Metropolitan Police Department to investigate the incident.

While protests against Israel have become frequent since the military offensive began, instances of violence, such as self-immolation, remain rare.

The Israeli Embassy has been a focal point for demonstrations, but they have generally resulted in arrests rather than violent acts.
This tragic event follows a similar incident in December when a protester self-immolated in front of the Israeli consulate in Atlanta, described by police as “likely an extreme act of political protest.”

Authorities continue to address the escalating situation and protests related to the ongoing conflict in Gaza.



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