Home Africa Zimbabwe Uebert Angel buys multi-million dollar building in New York City

Uebert Angel buys multi-million dollar building in New York City

Serial property investor Prophet Uebert Angel and his wife Beverley literally took a small bite out of “The Big Apple” after purchasing a multi-million dollar three-storey building in New York City.

Serial property investor Prophet Uebert Angel and his wife Beverley literally took a small bite out of “The Big Apple” after purchasing a multi-million dollar three-storey building in New York City.

The conference facility to be known as the New York Hippodrome is reportedly 13000 square feet with air rights to go to 37000.

Explaining the purchase on Instagram the self-styled businessman/preacher said “it was of paramount importance that we made our presence felt and known in the world’s most prestigious and major commercial, financial and cultural centre – NEW YORK CITY.”

“Procured a few millions of USD, the facility will be known as the NEW YORK HIPPODROME in keeping with many of our properties in the M.I.C.E category (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions) #WondersWithoutNumber”, he wrote.

Appointed Presidential Envoy and Ambassador at Large by President Emmerson Mnangagwa in March last year, Angel has been on a roller coaster of investments and property purchases he says shows he is leading from the front.

He is building the 6 400-seater Harare Hippodrome which will become the largest conference centre in the country beating the Rainbow Towers (HICC) Conference Centre in Harare which has a capacity of 4500.

There is also the Beethoven Hotel with 40 executive rooms in Harare’s Braeside suburb.

The projects do not end there, he is also building the first transit hotel in Zimbabwe, two miles from the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport in Harare.

The Mozart Hotel and Conference Centre is expected to cater for a variety of people like pilots, airline staff and other patrons who live in cities outside Harare and want to make use of a hotel near the airport.

Attempts to estimate his wealth have not met much success. One state media article several years ago quoted Forbes Magazine estimating his worth to northwards of US$60m, but he was quick to deny this amount while still refusing to pin a figure.

Being a Christian and a church leader among other things he says church leaders must not rely on offerings from their congregation but should rather start businesses that are capable of financing their churches and ministries and also employ the less privileged of their society.

The New York Hippodrome, Harare Hippodrome, Beethoven Hotel, and The Mozart Hotel and Conference Centre are all set to earn him more money once operational.



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