The United Kwacha Alliance in Saturday held a successful rally in Kitwe’s Kwacha Constituency hosted by Citizens First led by President Harry Kalaba.

The rally was addressed by UKA Assembly of Presidents leaders.
The Interrim Chairman of UKA, Sakwiba Sikota S.C., who is also the President of the United Liberal Party (ULP), congratulated the people of Kwacha for being the first place that any opposition has held a rally under the UPND rule.

President Saki also said it was fitting that Kwacha was the first place that the United Kwacha Alliance was holding a rally as “Kwacha” was right in the middle of the name of the alluance; United Kwacha Alliance. The crowd roared in approval of this.
Saki stated that Kwacha had opened the door and the UOND would no longer be able to stop Zambians enjoying this freedom of association.
The massive crowd was told that UKA would do things differently from UPND and there were some short and medium term solutions to some of the problems that Zambians are facing.

Sikota said the problem of loadshedding brought about by the UPND would not be so severe if the government simply stopped exporting power to neighboring countries. This point echoed what President Peter Chanda of the New Congress Party made.
In addition UJA Chairnan Saki pointed our that Russia had offered to supply Zambia through a floating power plant to be run off the coast of Mozambique but the Zambian government did not take up this offer. Dikota urged the UPND to take up this offer to ease the suffering if the people.

On the problem of high fuel prices, Saki urged the government to take up Russia’s offer to supply Zambua with cheap fuel to bring down the price of diesel and petrol. Sikota wondered why the UPND had not taken up the offer.
Sikota also introduced President Sinkamba of the Green Party who was in attendance. Sikota stated that UKA listens to various citizens and do not claim to know it all.

The speakers at the rally not only pointed out the failings and wrongs of the UPND, but also suggested solutions to some of the problems the UPND had the country into.

The massive rally was even more impressive as Citizens First/UKA were not bused in but cane by themselves.


    • You can now eat your words. Kwacha provided a public massive launch of the KWACHA alliance.Did you hear any booing ?

      Thanks to Herriot Watt University of Scotland for ORDERING the Fuhrer to give way to human rights.

  1. Kkkkkkkkkkk ba UKA don’t take Russia at the center stage of your puzzle in claiming that, you can do better in your thinking , the words are openly in black and white for everyone to see ba UKWA bag ️ kkkkkkkkkkk, the thing is Russia as we all know is carrying sanctions which are making difficult for other countries to trade with her, unless you don’t know what you are doing kkkkkkkkkkk. Start thinking properly ba UKWA bag and stop misleading the people kkkkkkkkkkk.

  2. All supporters of UKA should suffer even more, you all deserve to suffer.
    Why …..because you are all aware of what satan nyoko lungu did to Zambia with PF…..and you are going there support this ba5terd, hope you all suffer

  3. UKWA is a front for Mr. Lungu’s PF. Without Mr. Lungu, there is no UKWA. Now we all know Mr. Lungu’s record as a lawyer and as president of PF and Zambia. If you think that Mr. Lungu has reformed, you are making a big mistake. His comeback will be far worse than his last reign.

    As a lawyer, he robbed a widow of K36,000 (?). Then we entrusted him with the affairs of our country Zambia in the mistaken belief that he had reformed. He ended up robbing the nation and leaving a delibitating debt burden that we will continue to struggle with for the next two decades.

    If he gets a another chance at the presidency, he will take no prisoners. He will leave total destruction in his wake. Mr. Lungu is very destructive. Minwe ya bubenshi (he is like termites).


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