Home Politics PF ULP Vice President Visits Detained NDC Leader Amid Heavy Police Presence

ULP Vice President Visits Detained NDC Leader Amid Heavy Police Presence


*ULP Vice President Visits Detained NDC Leader Amid Heavy Police Presence*

10th August 2024

Mr. Chisala Kasakula, Vice President of the United Liberal Party (ULP), visited Kabwata Police Station, where Ms. Saboi Imboela, President of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), is currently detained.

Mr. Kasakula managed to see the detained NDC leader under challenging conditions and offered words of encouragement. Ms. Imboela remains in high spirits and strong despite her situation.

Accompanied by party members, Mr. Kasakula urged them, along with all ULP and other opposition members, to continue embodying the spirit of UBUNTU.

The station’s heavy police presence is complicating efforts for community members to visit their detained relatives. Access is tightly controlled, making it as difficult as negotiating for a seat on public transport.

Furthermore, police officers stationed along Burma Road, about 50 meters from the station, are denying entry to NDC and other opposition members attempting to visit Ms. Imboela, who will spend another night in detention.

Issued by:

Mambwe Zimba 
Media Director



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