Home Politics UPND Unfulfilled promises may lead Zambians to engage in coordinated social actions –...

Unfulfilled promises may lead Zambians to engage in coordinated social actions – Reverend Chilekwa Mulenga

Ndola based senior pastor Chilekwa Mulenga

Unfulfilled promises may lead Zambians to engage in coordinated social actions – Reverend

By Chinoyi Chipulu

Ndola based senior pastor Chilekwa Mulenga has charged that UPND may not win the 2026 elections, if they don’t double efforts on deliverables.

And Rev Mulenga has stated that the benchmark for the UPND in government shouldn’t necessarily be about the previous regime, but the campaign promises they made to the people of Zambia which formed the basis on which the citizens voted for President Hichilema and his party.

Rev Mulenga, who is senior pastor at Ndola City Chapel and former chairperson of Ndola Pastors’ Fellowship, stated that the people of Zambia were becoming increasingly discontented amidst a very high cost of living, violations of human rights and unfulfilled key campaign promises compounded by a blame game, with pressure mounting in people, which majority citizens may soon convert into social capital, building capacity to re-organise and engage in coordinated social actions unless real change takes effect and anchored on one Zambia one Nation mantra.

He stated that people were hungry and therefore, angry at the UPND for unfulfilled key promises.https://dailyrevelationzambia.com/unfulfilled-promises-may-lead-zambians-to-engage-in-coordinated-social-actions-reverend/


  1. Ba Pastor, a lot of campaign promises have actually been fulfilled. Just there on the Copperbelt, mines have been reopened. The only thing you should talked about is the price of mealie meal and the load shedding but we all know the cause. Unless you want to play politics. You have Zambia China Mulungushi in Kabwe reopening. I mean successes are there for everyone to see.

  2. In addition, a lot of tainted properties are being forfeited to the State from the corrupt. This was a campaign promises too.

  3. Rev Mulenga, The UPND have scored a lot in the three years they have been in power.And most of the campaign promises have been archieved really.Probably rev you were highly expectant and could you kindly help us understand which promises have not been fulfilled so that they can start doing that in the next two years.I know other promises will be fulfilled in the next term.But in the first term, particularly these past three years we saw a huge number of teachers,nurses,police officers, soldiers in army, Zaf,ZNS, Correctional service and the commandos.This is unprecedented ba Rev not even Dr Kaunda employed such huge number in a short space of time.Free education, we have seen a lot of children getting back to school including KGS Keep girls in school program those girls who unfortunately got pregnant were taken back to school and sponsored up to tetiary education.The CDF is a game changer we have seen schools, hospitals and clinics being done.Some bridges and roads have been done.Transport, land cruisers were dispatched to all constituences for police stations.The CDF for skills development in youths in constituences.The social cash transfer, food for work program and drought relief moneys given to affected members of our communities throughout the country.Ka NAPSA.Medicines in the hospitals.Rehabilitation of chiefs houses, farming inputs to chiefs and their people in the rural Zambia.Water supply through provisions of bore holes in towns and rural Zambia.The government has opened farm lands for resettlement through office of the Vice President throughout the country and road net work will get improved and other social amenities.Some mines have been opened on the copperbelt leaving the youths very happy and have hope.In Luanshya the shaft 28 shall employ more than three thousand youths.Human rights are intact law breakers can not be allowed to break the law with impunity.Freedom of speach doesn’t mean people must cause anarchy and give statements that border on seditious practice,what kind of country can that be.You have seen properties being forfeited to state ,these are perceived proceeds of crime.We have witnessed drought that has caused electricity loadshading and these are natural occurrences and no person may help to stop that.The government has done a lot of remedial measures to aliviate hunger and poverty among the citizens.Rev Mulenga you may just help government to identify areas which government need to attend to like issues of retirees of many years ago.

    • It would be helpful if the Rev. and people who offer criticism on unfulfilled promises could prepare a comprehensive list of the promises made by the UPND. The list will enable citizens to know which promises have been fulfilled and which ones haven’t been. The judgement of failure or success should be influenced by the number of ticks and crosses. People should avoid condemnation or praises that are devoid of any supporting evidence on the ground.

  4. You’re one of the Pastors for Lungu so what sensible thing can you tell us?
    Your ECL has been having rallies, tell me one useful thing he’s said apart from ukubwantailafye
    Children are going to school, isn’t that a pleasant thing for you? ECL is condemning free education and you as a pastor or man of God you’re quiet. Are you both foolish?
    Mwanya mulelapila pantu ni:
    Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31


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