Home Politics UPND UNZA  Honours Hichilema With Doctor Of Business Administration

UNZA  Honours Hichilema With Doctor Of Business Administration



The procession to honor President Hakainde Hichilema with Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) by University of Zambia (UNZA) is underway at the Great East campus.

The honour hax however received mixed feelings with others saying he has failed to fix the economy as promised with prices of commodities tripling.

One wonders why UNZA could not honor Hichilema while in opposition as one of the successful entrepreneur. He excelled in private sector. Definitely the answer is common knowledge. We wait to hear what message will be read as he will be conferred.


  1. What is it with our higher institutions of learning? Do you have to honour every president? How I wish the President would turn down this worthless “honour”.

    Last time, UNZA awarded one Mr. Lungu and his friend Mr. Munangagwa honourary PhDs in whatever. These are two people who have done huge damage to their countries.

  2. UNZA has gone to the dogs! Has anyone wondered why Tongas from late Chiboola. to Munkombwe have fought hard to occupy the office of Dean of Student Affairs at UNZA. it is largely because these Tongas have wanted to use thst office to mobilize students for the UPND both under the PF and the UPND. We saw that yesterday. The Dean of Student Affairs office was used to pay students between K50 and K100 to come and cheer HH. The same office was also used to print placards and t-shirts for students cheering HH. Under UNIP and MMD, the Dean of Student Affairs office was occupied by an academic with a PhD and at Senior Lecturer level and it was more dignified.Today, the politicization of that office is because of the watering down of the requirements for who occupies that office. Even a political clown of sorts is today able to occupy the Office of Dean of Student Affairs in UNZA to do UPND’s bidding.

  3. But you hate HH. Why? Anything about HH there should be negative comments especially Bembas and Nyanjas and other small tribes that aervfusedbin Bembas and Nyanjas. Stop it! When ECL got his by force, remember the Chancellor didn’t even attend the convocation ceremony…No one commented instead ECL was showered with congratulations messages even on media. HH genuinely get honored it is an issue. Bad manners imwe ba uku. Too tribalistic and divisive. The “Kano ngaebo syndrome”. Fimba Upoke! 3 Hon.Doctorates from 3 Universities not a small recognition.
    Kumyebelapo muleke! Ala!


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