
Today I am filled with sadness and fear for Zambia. Sadness and fear fills me up to see how a nation of plenty and known for Rule of Law is fast turning into a State without direction under the new dawn Government of Rule of Law as proclaimed and sung daily by President Hakainde Hichilema.

The Rule of Law song, though sung everyday in a one man show , the nation daily wakes up to face the opposite of the New dawn.

While lawlessness and vindictiveness greets us daily from Community House, poverty levels in the nation increase everyday and the Economy of the nation is on the brink of collapsing while curtailed freedom of assembly and freedom of speech have been thrown to the winds.

Be it arrogance covered in ignorance of handling affairs of State or fear of a potential opponent, there is a better way of handling matters related to a former Head of State and Opposition leaders.

His handlers from Washington and perhaps from EU nations should have made him sit down and give their examples of how former President Donald Trump is handled by President Joe Biden and the establishment. A former President is not an ordinary citizen.

Just that one act of the many of the New Dawn Government horrible acts, many feathers have been removed from the hat of HH and the entire episode is blowing in the region of SADC and beyond, the Presidents foreign policy has lamentably failed SADC and zambia is slowly losing its influence in the region.

Assuming responsibility demands that you take everything that goes with that responsibility including how you treat the former Head of State and friends in the region.

A former Head of State must never be compared to an opposition Leader.HH must learn this.

Blocking Edgar Lungu from attending meetings or church gatherings  will not change the downturn of the economic Spectrum of Zambia and the Present Perception of Many Zambians that the New Dawn Government is, after all, just a new doom Government sending its own citizens to early graves because of abject poverty in the nation, just look at how they are handling the poisonous Mealie Meal,the whole exercise lacks seriousness on the Part of government.

If HH is from another cloth as he claimed at his inauguration, let him give us  a sound economy he promised us and not political Rhetoric, he said he was taking over a very badly managed national economy and that “Bally will Fix it”. It is time to deliver to the Zambians what he promised.

Three years is long enough to fix the economy or at least put it in a shape that sends message that there is direction leading to the promised land but so far, it is all encircled in a bungling state of affairs. As it is written; the work of the foolish wearies everyone, for he does not know how to get to the city.

Going after the perceived enemies like ECL and other opposition leaders and embarrassing them in public, in an uncouth manner, will not help to tone down the cry of all Zambians for more nshima on the table, reduced price of fuel, reduced cost of living, fairness in the allocation of Government contracts, paying contractors and suppliers on time,resolved mines saga on the Copperbelt and building a fair Zambia where a job in Government or a contract with Government will not depend on the name on your National Registration Card but on the content of character and what you put on the negotiating table.

Leaders are those who sacrifice self and build nations through inclusiveness and selfless service for the good of all.

They build to leave a legacy of service for the good of all without leaving anyone behind.

Their content of character is impeccable for their lives are glued to what is is good for all.

Any leader worthy being called a leader must qualify as such under the internationally accepted standards of what a leader must be.

That is to lead a people with justice and sense of responsibility that their future lies in his hands and as such he takes care of everyone of them.

He takes all of them on his shoulders and offers comfort in times of crisis.

Anything else is opportunism leading to a nation’s destruction and it becomes just another “work of the foolish wearies everyone for he does not know how to get to the city”.

Zambia deserves better.

Edwin Lifwekelo

PF Media Director.


  1. Does Lifwekelo live in Zambia or in the diaspora? What do you lose if you just acknowledge ND’s many developmental achievements? But we are not surprised because in PF, one of the qualifications for one to gain relevance in the party, is to be seen attacking HH and his ND government .


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