UPND lawyers vs chilufya tayali


    UPND lawyers vs chilufya tayali

    1. keith mweemba
    tayali where was your queries based against my client ?

    ans; no what where when sir?
    2. Mr tayali how many names did you say my client have?
    and whom did you actually reported under your old and new names?

    ans; at unza he had three names but now he got two….
    Keith I understand you have problems with people’s names and identities according to you,which names will you give to my client ?

    tayali your client
    Keith and when someone choses the name he she thinks its fit for his or her identification do you have problems for that or?
    tayali no

    Gilbert mr tayali how many houses were sold by the state?
    tayali they are many
    Gilbert would you help this honourable court to mentioned them and eventually mentioning the new owners?

    tayali no sir

    marshal muchende Mr tayali whom did you say sold national assets?
    ans HH

    muchende under what capacity and process?
    tayali not knowing sir

    Keith mr tayali you said my client used the influence he had to purchase a house he owns in kabulonga, what influence was that?
    tayali mute

    Gilbert tayali how old did you say my client had when he purchased the said house?

    tayali calculates then mute….

    muchende Mr tayali was my client in government when these assets was being sold?

    tayali no sir

    muchende but how come he sold them?

    tayali mute…. to be continued ba tayali muleyipusha law yaliba complicated ka….



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