Home Politics PF UPND on war path to wipe out PF – Musenge

UPND on war path to wipe out PF – Musenge


UPND on war path to wipe out PF – Musenge

THE UPND government seems to be more on a warpath to wipe out the Patriotic Front (PF) than serving Zambians whose lives have become full of regret, pain and misery, Mwenya Musenge has said.

Mr Musenge, the Advocates for People’s Prosperity (APP) president says President Hakainde Hichilema may succeed in using the legislature and judiciary to try and wipe out the PF from the political scene, but he should know that Zambians are silently watching and would act appropriately on voting day.

He said it was clear that President Hichilema and his government were more on a warpath to wipe out the PF than serving Zambians who were wallowing in poverty and with no hope of a better life under the UPND government as prices of essential commodities continue to escalate and biting load shedding.


  1. These are irrelevant dinosaurs whose opinion no one cares about. You can not advance guess work and speculation as proven fact. We all know that Lungu by being greedy and selfish singlehandedly destroyed PF. How anyone can drive the narrative that this is anyone’s fault apart from PF themselves does not make sense. Let’s have responsible leadership that advances the correct narrative.

  2. Mwenya Musenga should stop hallucinating and don’t involve UPND the confusion and wrangles happening in PF. PF has been on the path of self destruction to wipe out itself from the political scene.

  3. Mr.Musenge ,you should say that Edgar Chagwa Lungu wants PF wiped out completely after that he wants to make sure UKA is also gone.

  4. Mr. Musenge you are just waisting time talking about Hichilema and Upnd. Truth is that Zambians have confirmed their fears for Hichilema for previous 5 elections that they rejected tribal Hichilema and his tribal Upnd! Zambians hate staunch tribalists! And Mr. Musenge has said Zambians are watching and they are just waiting to eject the tribalists in this Upnd government! Hichilema has single handedly tried to kill PF but he has failed! The more he tries the more the members of PF get more united, and the more he kills his Upnd! Right now Upnd is completely dead on the ground! Those fake ward rigged bye elections results will not mean anything when the big one comes! Zambians are resolved on ejecting Hichilema and Upnd soon, and forever! That will be the last time for Upnd to be in power! They have been given chance , they have lamentably failed leading to massive suffering of Zambians! Bye bye polio!

    • Mandanda too much falsehood and inaccuracies in your comment. You PF losers always want to blame HH for your internal mischief. When did open PF tribalists like Munir Zulu, Maurine Mabonga, Dan Pule and the ever dehydrated Edith Nawakwi become UPND members? C’mon face facts about your finished PF Kelenka club. Abash guntrotting and Panga Wielding PF criminals for good.

  5. PF surrogate is now seeing that Zambia is in safe hands , not those who thought zambia belonged to two regions namely Nyasaland and the northern block. Muzakamba muzalema , Zambia is now liberated from the yoke of intimidation by those core tribalist who thought they will never lose elections, they even composed a song entitled Alebwelelapo! Kwisa not in zambia..Mwenya musenge keep on talking so that you can be rewarded by kasaka kandalama ECL.

  6. I didn’t know that winning all the 9 Ward by elections is destroying PF. When parties go for an election, they all go as competitors and all have equal chances of winning or losing, why blame innocent people for PF’s own loss? You are complaining now but in 2026, you will be crying

  7. PF is wiping out itself without any help from upnd. Happens to all parties after losing elections. Happened to unip. Happened to MMD when PF was accused of sponsoring Mutati and Nakachinda faction against Nevers mumba faction just like today they are accusing upnd of sponsoring sampa faction against lungu faction.

  8. PF is dead, why don’t you grow your party to
    Provide a good opposition for democracy to thrive? All we hear from you is complaints about how UPND is destroying PF. PF destroyed itself, which normal Zambian would want PF back to govern? They survived on brutality and paying thugs to remain in govt. As a result we now have hooligans in parliament representing constituencies. No one is stopping you from providing an alternative to UPND, stop looking to PF.

  9. That would be excellent, if true. PF destroyed the country, including the church. PF deserves total extinction. Yes, a strong opposition is needed for democracy to thrive, but that does not necessarily require indulging the wanton and corrupt PF.


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