By Lubinda Namukolo

UPND aspiring candidate for Mongu central constituency Oliver Mumbuna Amutike has received 300 DEFECTORS from the PF, FDD, NAREP, MMD and Independents aspiring candidates supporters. lt was a huge meeting attended by all Constituency and ward officials in katongo ward of Mongu central constituency. Another defection happened in Namushakendi were the entire structures of aspiring independent candidate defected to UPND and pledged to work and vote for Amutike.

The aspiring candidate Hon Oliver Mumbuna Amutike has assured the DEFECTORS of total support and urged them to bring more members to UPND party. we are an attractive party because of the various developmental programs we intend to bring closer to the people . Once voted into power we are going to work for you and the country as a whole.

Constituency chairman has called on UPND members in Mongu constituency to welcome the defectors with open hands. we are one and the party is bigger than any individual. Lets work together and make sure that we win the forth coming general elections.

Amutike has further encouraged everyone in Mongu constituency to vote for all UPND aspiring candidates so that once they form government on the 12th August , no one should be left behind. We need to be in one uniform and have representatives that should come from the UPND in order to have easily flow of all developmental projects in Mongu. Through that it will be able for Us to work with the govt of Hakainde Hichilema for us to receive a sizeable share of the nation cake. The president has assured me of total support in all areas of development if we vote for UPND candidates in August general elections.

The DEFECTORS cited undemocratic governance (INTRA-PARTY democracy), tribalism, lack of vision, selfishness, violence from the PF as some of the reasons for their defections.

However another group coming from an independent aspiring candidate lead by Mr sitaka cited lack of trust, appreciation and proper channels of programs he found to be a big challenge from an independent candidate. I was supporting an independent candidate since last year but I have discovered that, the candidate has no vision and lacks leadership skills as every time there are new people leading the team and every day people are leaving with most of the people who approached us and persuaded us to support have left the team. The other thing is that you can not advise the candidate, it’s all I know it , gets angry throughout and that node of I have connections . We felt like we were worshiping the candidate instead of God, and has put family members at first instead of the people to work, lastly the person is short hand, said Sitaka.

Another group that had left UPND due to intra-party elections were welcomed back and Ms Nyambe said few weeks ago we had a meeting with this aspiring independent candidate at Mundi guest house and failed to tell us the faction that wanted to support and vote for them, even left a bill for us to pay, disclosed Ms Nyambe.

They have pledged nothing but loyalty and hardwork to steer the party forward and vote for President Hakainde Hichilema and Oliver Mumbuna Amutike.



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