UPND STRESSING HH…making him vulnerable to ‘criminals’ – Sikaile Sikaile


    GOOD governance activist Sikaile Sikaile says the UPND is stressing their leader Hakainde Hichilema and making him vulnerable to PF lunatics.

    He says there is a lot of work to be done ahead of 2021 elections adding the UPND should go deeper and uproot PF’s roots of injustice.

    Sikaile reminded the UPND and all opposition political parties in Zambia to forget about winning the election simply because there is poverty in Zambia.

    “There are certain times I don’t just get it seeing Hakainde Hichilema every time responding even to simple lunatics like Bowman Lusambo and Sunday Chanda when there are a lot of people who can squarely handle these dishonest human beings even at ward level,” he said in a statement yesterday. “You are stressing your leader and making him more vulnerable to criminals who know nothing about democracy. I have seen Edgar Lungu parading his minions labeling HH with all sorts of accusations and Lungu will be clapping in the background. My question is where are UPND MPs and other officials to defend President HH?”

    Sikaile said the “rubbish going on in Parliament” when Zambians are dying should have been stopped by now at all costs but “it is about how equipped all your MPs are”.

    “At the level Zambia has reached, duty execution must be observed in a dependable political grouping like UPND. If I may ask Mr HH, how many reports have you received from your office after every election? Because how do you plan for the next election when you haven’t received reports on how that particular election was conducted and what exactly went wrong?” he wondered. “Every time we just hear PF have stolen votes. They stole because as thieves, they plan on how to steal citizens’ will. In case your leaders have not told you Mr HH, next year Zambians don’t want excuses that PF have stolen their votes. So if you were doing nothing about it, you better change the formula. My appeal is that everyone who has a position should do their part so that others don’t stress out. If UPND will again handle the PF government the way they did in 2016 and during the trumped up treason charge of Hakainde Hichilema and five others, then let UPND not waste citizens’ energy.”

    Sikaile said NDC was also stressing out Chishimba Kambwili a lot.

    “Let him focus on other issues and not every time responding to thieves and lunatics,” he advised. “In addition, each one should stick to one specific issue. For example, I have been observing the consistency of a Mr Percy Chanda who is chairman for labour in UPND. It seems he understands his job very well. Look at how PF corrupt government is doing it though I don’t say you should go their way but just learn something.”

    Sikaile said looking at how things are moving in the country, the UPND being the largest opposition political party with a candidate that Zambians could be banking on should be more strategic to get what they were looking for.

    “There is a lot of work to be done to chuck out criminals come 2021. Our election won’t be based on the current life threatening poverty brought by the PF government,” he said. “Winning the elections in 2021 is about being able to track down and counter attack the heavy rigging schemes the corrupt PF government led by Edgar Lungu have put in place. UPND tend to get so relaxed most time going off the beat and giving chance to criminals like PF to re-plan for more evil activities.”

    Sikaile noted that even during the gassing episodes, the PF managed everything and that “it is clear that there was planning from the beginning whether bad or good”.

    “There is absolute nothing good PF government can plan for our nation apart from destruction. Zambians can vote for UPND just like they did in 2015 and 2016 but are you ready to protect their votes if you can give up on a Chilubi Constituency rigging scheme just like that?” asked Sikaile. “Remember, these guys have destroyed Zambia and they are aware that if you take over leadership, their homes will be prisons. The violence we have witnessed before, next year it will be worse if we citizens don’t act quickly that is why I have called on UN and the International Community to come in as soon as possible to also facilitate for the reforms of Zambia Police, ECZ (Electoral Commission of Zambia) and the judiciary. And all I have seen from the UPND is muteness thinking gassing is over. There is something wrong here and UPND you better fix it as soon as possible because you are dealing with sophisticated people who are eager to do anything to our nation including your leader.”



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