    Gilbert Liswaniso


    By Gilbert Liswaniso
    (UPND Deputy National Youth Chairman)

    The United Party for National Development Youths welcomes the calls by Mr Edgar Lungu to probe the privatisation of national assets by the MMD that took place more than a quarter of a century ago. Mr Lungu wants to use the MMD privatisation program, that was triggered by an act of parliament that subsequently involved thousands of individuals, and dozens of International Institutions that included the IMF and the World Bank, to target one individual who is his political opponent, Mr Hakainde Hichilema.

    Mr Lungu is very welcome, because President Hakainde Hichilema is as clean as the colour of the white dove, that refused to take off from Mr Edgar Lungu’s hands at Heroes Stadium. Since privatisation involved hundreds of people some of whom are still alive, there’s no doubt that these individuals(including Mr Edgar Lungu himself), will all be subject to the terms of reference of the Commission of enquiry, then it will be commensurate to the rules of natural justice.

    The Commission of enquiry will without doubt seek to probe Mr Lungu’s privatisation of the Zambia Cold Storage Board. If Mr Lungu is so keen in probing others that he claims illegally benefited from the privatisation, we will assume that Mr Lungu implies, he is as clean as the colour of the dove that refused to take off his hands. If his hands are that clean, Mr Lungu will be more than willing to announce to the World like President Hakainde Hichilema did, that ‘I Edgar Lungu am ready to also be probed for privatisation of Cold Storage Board, just like I am calling for Mr Hichilema to be probed’.

    Since holding of a Commission of enquiry is an expensive undertaking to an already over burdened tax payer, Mr Lungu will allow that the probe includes the following;

    – Serious allegations of Mr Lungu as a lawyer having swindled a poor widow’s pension money
    – How Mr Lungu’s wealth miraculously multiplied from K2 million in 2014 to K22 million in 2016. This miracle money requires an investigation
    – Mr Lungu’s construction of a Castle worthy millions of dollars in Eswatini(Swaziland)
    – The strange market fires that burnt millions worth of property, that mysteriously disappeared as quickly as they had appeared
    – The serial murders and gassing of hundreds of innocent Zambians that led to more deaths as a result of lynching of suspects by instant justice mobs around the country.

    The Commission of enquiry will without doubt also probe on the miracle houses that rained from heaven like manna and without an owner, the mega purchase of second hand Fire Tenders and Ambulances and many other overpriced projects.

    Since Mr Edgar Lungu doesn’t want to be accused of politicking for calling for the Commission of enquiry, we have no doubt that he will urgently form it. We cannot however wait to see how this will open a can of big, ugly, long wriggling worms and can only wish Mr Edgar Lungu the best.



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