UPND’s Aggression And Undemocratic Demeanor – Mwaba Mutale

Mwaba Mutale

By Mwaba Mutale

Elyo imwe ba UPND lekeni myebelepo if you want insult me. Why is it that you only see a person as sensible when they support HH? Anyone who has any divergent views is a fool to you or tabakwata mano. As the next incoming government this trend is very divisive and dangerous. Haven’t you noticed that even Andyford Mayela Banda gets some votes? What does that tell you??? We all can’t like the same things. There are others will like Mmembe Kalaba and even President Lungu there are people who still hold he is a good man. You have no right to call people names because they are still PF or still see a good man in ECL. What you must do is focus on selling HH. Allow for democracy. Not you only like a post and call someone sensible when he supports HH and Nalumango. Anyone who doesn’t hold your views ninshi that person is not normal or sensible. This is a very scary trait in UPND supporters, the aggression and insults for opposing views…

A father embraces even the son who is wanted by C5 and is a thief. He won’t agree with the behavior but he will still love his son. You may not agree with anyone but see humanity in those also with opposing views. I’ve said it and if you want insult me but this is the truth. You are too agreesive and lack a spirit of democracy. HH may be sharp but it’s your job to show me and convince me why I should vote for him. Not when I disagree ninshi naba ichi puba. I’ve noticed how you shower praise when we praise HH. Anything we don’t agree with ninshi insele sha yamba

Let’s learn to love each other and co exist. Even with opposing views… some of us with independent and critical minds have been called traitors just because we praise were we must and also criticize everyone including HH and UPND in wrong things and people say we unstable and not decided. No it’s not that. You just can’t be supporting everything or condemning everything. That’s not normal. You must agree and praise people when it’s fitting and call out the bad and work on it. It’s not being unstable or a traitor it’s being human and being able to use your mind for right judgment. Politics must never blind reason or be influenced by emotion.

I wish UPND well on the 12, I really do and Personally they have my support. I just don’t agree with the name calling I see whenever we get critical. You guys are too angry and aggressive. Embrace us all. This country has a lot of rebuilding to do regardless of who take it at the end of the day….

Mwintuka I come in peace 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽



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