Home Politics UPPZ UPPZ Sends Strong 2026 Message As Charles Chanda Defeats HH And M’membe...

UPPZ Sends Strong 2026 Message As Charles Chanda Defeats HH And M’membe In Kanchibiya By Elections


Dickson Jere Writes:
These results from the ward in Kachibiya are very interesting. Finally, UPPZ has won a seat and beating the big boys.

1. Is UPPZ becoming popular?
2. Or is it that it had a better candidate than the rest?

UPPZ. 377
SP. 321
UPND. 320
LM. 7


    • Isn’t it good that another party has one? In any case what about the the 4 won by UPND, surely the people can say anything only to sight the kancibiya? One wonders what the agenda is all about. Anyway maybe we see things differently.

  1. It’s a good wake up slap in the face of the big boys who have become too complacent!
    This is good for our Democracy!

  2. This UPPZ win is good for democracy. It simply shows that people voted for a person of their choice. Perhaps it was a protest vote against the big boys’ preferred candidates. But honestly, Mmembe, Kalaba and Awisi Tasila & the Wailers could not manage even one?


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