Home World Africa VIDEO: “10,000 hectares of Zambian land has been allocated to the Republic...


  1. Yaba.

    Kwena why is the tribalist conman so obsessed with giving our land away? Is this what the cow brain praise singers want?

    Nome of his predecessors did any such nonsense, yet him he thinks he is the clever one.

    Speaking on ALL non Zambezi dwellers, and probably 60 percent of Zambezi dwellers, we reject this effort by the conman to give away our land. If he insists, let him donate Southern province.

    How I wish we had listened to KK.

    Let us vote this conman out of office in 2026.

    • On this one I support you. This will cause future LAND WARS like those going on between Palestine- Israeli.

      Please ma politicians stop this NO SENSE. PEOPLE are fighting everywhere for land

    • We mbwawe. You’ve land on which you just urinate. Are we going to eat or drink your urine? Land is an asset and it must bring money. It will remain in Zambia forever
      Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

  2. This man is a danger to the territorial integrity of Zambia.Our heritage is under threat from this incompetent Villager who doesn’t seem to know why he was voted into power..Left to his whims we won’t have any Zambia left . Please our Chiefs in Zambia, more especially Central, Muchinga, Northern, and Luapula Province note that we are dealing with a brainless salesman, a liquidator, who sells anything and everything he sees. He wants to create another ‘ Barotse Land’ in north east Zambia.. Confront this man and state your position on these lands he is giving away..
    Am at a loss to understand Hakainde. Totally at a loss.

  3. Where is this land? For what purpose(s) has it been allocated to another country? What really is going on? The other time we heard about Kenya trying to acquire Zambian land for purposes of growing maize, next it was the Vietnamese and now this. There is urgent need for a forensic land audit so that citizens know how much land is in the hands of foreigners. It is like some people in authority have
    no sense of nationalism.

    • Nothing…all we do is run our mouths and spread half truths….
      Sharp Shooter suggests above is the said land? What is for? Before we even answer those questions we make conclusions. The writers dont to want to give answers that such an article with suggest but spread a narrative….

    • So what was Zambia’s liberation struggle for ?
      To give UAE, Kenya , Vietnamese, Rwandese and other foreigners our land ?
      Why can’t Hakainde give 2 Million Hectares of Barotse Land to Foreigners? Or the whole Southern Province to Foreigners if he thinks they will make better use of the land?
      If today’s generation is not effectively using land, does it mean tomorrow’s generation won’t ? What are you going to bestow to the coming generation if the whole land will be given to Foreigners?
      Amasushi yeka yeka. Always supporting ifyabupuba. Do you know what will be Zanbia’s population in just 20 years time?

  4. This is all being done out of corruption by Hichilema. This is all wrong, but Hichilema does not see anything wrong because his priority is to personally gain from that. But all these illegal things will be reversed as soon as he is out of power in August 2026.

  5. We have a desperate man who wants to cling to power under whatsoever, even to an extent of giving away our heritage, our country for short term expediency, just for 2026..Any one who promises Hakainde to grow a few grains of Maize for him to point at in 2026 is given massive chunks of land. This is not about Zambia’s development. This is all about Hakainde’s Political self preservation who is seeing time running away from him to address self imposed problems he finds himself in..Now he wants foreigners to come to his rescue , albeit, at the expense of our heritage. What kind of man is Hakainde? This is a reckless model which Zambians should put a stop to before we remain with no country. And no sane Zambian can support this nonsense. If Sir Roy Welensy was around, this reckless man we have at the helm could have surrendered the country to him under the guise of investment. The north east congo is in turmoil over Rwanda’ s desire for land in DRC. Desire Kabila, and his son Joseph Kabila found it difficult to give Kagame land after helping them to remove Mobutu from Power…And look at the size of DRC!
    And here we are , a fraction of DRC giving away land easily.
    Look at the model employed in Western Countries , Nordic countries over Resources protection for future generations…Can Zambia anywhere in the world be given 2 Million Hectares?
    We have a lost man at the helm not fit to occupy that position..He should be sent to the political dustbin in 2026. He has completely lost it.

  6. Instead of giving that land to Zambians overcrowded muma komboni, you give away Zambia’s birthright away?
    Can you as a Zambians get an inch of land as a foreigner in these countries we are busy giving land?
    Aren’t we supposed to reserve land for the unborn future generations?
    Now it’s evident that these guys came to sell our country!
    Brace for Privatization 2.0.
    They are selling everything, including our emergency food reserves!
    What a bunch of unpatriotic kaponyas!

  7. HH be careful with the land, senior chief Nkomesha is till fighting battles with the Zambian army/ government over the land that she gave for the army to use during rebellion times to accommodate our army within reach . Chief Nkomesha has asked the government to give back her traditional land because we are no longer in those times to her subjects who were replaced. I like Rwanda but we can not afford to give them land next we will be fighting them to get our land and they claim you gave us land free.
    Look at Kariba dam , Zambia got a loan of more than $64million to build the kariba dam KK with his comrades from the Southern Rhodesia who where freedom fighters agreed to come and pay half of the loan once the gain independence. Upto now no loan has been paid yet Zimbabwe is generating power. These are consequences of power thinking and planning by those in government. If this land is given in Luapula , Northern, Muchinga, or Eastern provinces those chiefs will be forced out of there chiefdoms as they are sellouts

  8. If some people don’t understand English, then it’s their problem. The Ambassador said that the land was given for partnership purposes. Partnership with who? With Zambians of course. If the land is idle, there is no harm in giving it to Agricultural Investors, go to DRC, they did and are still doing the same. There are many Zambian farmers now in DRC, former Katanga Governor Moses Katumbi gave many hectors of land to Zambians especially Tongas, they are there if you go there now, you will find them. There’s no county in the world that was developed by indeginous people only, all countries are developed together with foreigners as long as you agree on terms and conditions. Miners are given mines, Farmers are given land, Entrepreneurs are given land to build Malls and Economic Zones, that’s how it works.


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