Home Politics PF VIDEO: Brebner Changala Says He Was Tracking Jay Jay Banda’s Vehicle And...

VIDEO: Brebner Changala Says He Was Tracking Jay Jay Banda’s Vehicle And Knows The Movements


Civil rights activist Brebner Changala has accused government for the disappearance of Petauke Law Maker JJ Banda,Mr Changala said in an interview that “this behaviour, is consistent with state sponsored terrorism”.


  1. How does it pay this man to come to social media and to issue such Information instead of going to police who are doing the investigation.? This is what it means when citizens become irrational in maters that borders on protecting citizens

  2. We need cool heads. A note was reportedly found in the vehicle. Two phones were also found. Is the note in JJ Banda’s handwriting? Are the phones Banda’s? Let’s wait and see. This is a matter best left to the Police to do their work. If the Police are not in a position to meet anxious relatives and Banda’s political allies, it’s advisable to wait. Wild speculation is totally unhelpful.

  3. Why was Changala tracking J.J. s car?he should be working with the police instead of assumptions on social media.

  4. I have read extensively , everything I see I read..BC writings and AD writings… Right now am reading 10th Century writings…a refresher really because I read these centuries moons ago.
    On the disappearance of Hon Jay Jay Banda , I have failed to make an opinion..
    the note seems to be trying to direct people to suicide..but it’s looking more like the note is a plant..Who benefits from Jay Jay’s disappearance, or God forbids, Death? I read some thing like this written in the 6th Century.. Sherlock Holmes also can have a feel of this case…And Madduck in James Hadley Chase novels will say…these are amateurs…but who really is an amateur in this case?

    • A few weeks ago there was Kuomboka ceremony of the Lozi-speaking people in Western province. Videos were all over social media warning HH not to travel to the ceremony. Nason Msoni chipped in with what he thought was well-meaning advice and agreed with those who didn’t want HH to travel to Mongu. Editorials in the Daily Nation newspaper echoed the same viewpoint. Now how can a commander-in-chief of the defence and security services be prevented from travelling to any part of Zambia? Were these people sane? And when HH travelled and there was no incident of any sort, they didn’t want to be reminded of their cheap predictions.

  5. As a responsible citizen Mr. Changala should quietly give whatever information he has to the Police instead of recklessly making insinuations which he cannot prove.

    This is a very serious matter and playing to the gallery for political expediency should be avoided.

  6. Who called the police? If J.J. was abducted why were his phones still in the car? How could he leave a note asking the Zambian people to forgive him. Can the police trace the caller and why was his car being tracked Mr Musoni? This to me looks like J.J. has skipped the country. Perhaps the noose was slowly tightening round his neck. Things Don t seem right in this story and how did the UKA clan hear of this so quickly. Thus is a set up.

  7. How can any normal person deal with despotic government police led by the most brutal IG getting orders from Deputy IG at State house . We know what these thugs are planing , hit list and when they want to do it. If anything this is like a police in Mexico working with cartels and drug lords. I shudder to say , at the pace HH is doing things peace in this once peaceful country cannot be granted. Because HH is not up to any good and he is doing this declare state of emergency towards elections to stay in power beyond his term. Mark my words because they know the people do not like this government for Tongas only and not Zambians. The paranoia being exhibited by HH and intolerance is that, they are going to inflict brutality on one of the highest political leader that will result in death at the hands of this state sponsored HH boy’s disguising in police uniforms and all will break down and there shall not be peace and not even these HH terrorist boys will not live in peace. Information is every where and they can not hide from the truth.

  8. This is the irresponsible and careless talk we always talk about that land some people in unnecessary problems!
    Why not give space and time to police to conduct and conclude investigations before beginning to point fingers?
    During KK’S time, Brebner becomes a prime suspect!
    Why was he tracking JJ Banda’s vehicle? Let the police call him in to help with investigations!
    Not long ago, a prominent person in Luapula was reported missing and his vehicle was found abandoned somewhere in the bush.
    Allegations as usual were made by PF to say the state was involved. Very careless statements to gain cheap political mileage.
    Later, the truth came out.
    It turned out to be some “Love Triangle” issues when one is known to be involved with concurrent relationships!
    UKA, PF and some Civil (evil) society leaders should stop inflaming passions and hatred in the nation!
    Let’s act responsibly by allowing the due process of investigations to run the full course before we start to carelessly point fingers to alarm the nation or trying to score cheap political mileage!
    Police should also not relent! Let them round up those who think they know something to help with investigations as per usual procedure!
    If found to be false witnesses, charge accordingly!
    We need Civility in our political discourse!
    Akanwa kalaletelela!

  9. This Brebner changala can’t even afford a lawyer should he be arrested for his careless talk but yet he is busy yapping bullshit. How come all these thugs know what has happened to jj even before the police conclude their investigations? I hope when the truth is uncovered all these thugs making these wild allegations will be made to account.

  10. PF criminals ask your prophets seer 1 ,Amata and genesis to trace your fellow criminal ,if truly your guys they mean well.If it is the issue of abduction I doubt if the police will manage trace him, remember the case of those 13 ladies it took more than 1year ,we need to appreciate that boy not police.changala please get matured your bitterness it will land you into troubles.


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