Home Politics UPND VIDEO: Chipata Residents Boo Minister Of Agriculture Reuben Mtolo Phiri At David...

VIDEO: Chipata Residents Boo Minister Of Agriculture Reuben Mtolo Phiri At David Kaunda Stadium In Chipata


Minister Mtolo Booed by Chipata Residents at the Fashion Sakala outreach Program

Chipata, 15th June, 2024

Agriculture Minister Hon. Reuben Mtolo Phiri faced an unexpected and hostile reception at the Fashion Sakala outreach program in Chipata, as local residents booed him during the event. The incident, which has garnered significant attention, is being seen by some as a harbinger of the challenges ahead for the minister and the UPND ahead of the 2026 elections.

The program, organized by Zambian football star Fashion Sakala, was intended to celebrate sportsmanship and community spirit. However, the atmosphere turned tense when Minister Mtolo arrived at the stadium. Boos and jeers erupted from the crowd, overshadowing the festive mood of the event.

Political analysts suggest that the booing of Minister Mtolo reflects growing public dissatisfaction with the current administration. The public display of discontent could be a sign of the political climate leading up to the 2026 elections. Residents’ frustrations likely stem from various issues, including economic challenges, agricultural policies, and perceived governmental shortcomings.

Despite the hostile reception, Minister Mtolo was seen busy smiling to the booing and jeers which has left many Zambians shocked and laughing.

Local residents and attendees of the program said the booing was a response to the current government’s performance since they took office.

The incident at the outreach program today is a bellwether for the political challenges that lie ahead. As the 2026 elections approach, the booing of Minister Mtolo in Chipata highlights the critical need for the current government to engage with the people of Zambia, listen to their concerns, and deliver on promises.

The incident serves as a clear signal of the political challenges looming on the horizon.


  1. The leader of UPND only sees things through his lenses and does not want to see them through other people’s lenses , hence it is impossible for him what we see and that is the difference between winning people’s hearts and loosing them. Some form of incorigibility

  2. The UPND lost the 2026 elections in 2023. What remains is just an endorsement..
    Hakainde lost it in 2023.
    The political body mass has shifted, and only repression is keeping it from being exhibited. Immediately he frees the Democratic space, it will be shame for Hakainde. The man is history.

    • Hallucinating Hypocrite even in 2021 UPND didn’t win in Eastern Province that this PF imaginary booing has no impact. In any case am not even hearing any booing here ba PF criminals imwe. May poverty continue striking you until Judgement Day

  3. Booing has never been a political indicator, even late Sata was being booed at times but he went ahead and won the 2011 elections. PF and UKWA can be booing but Bally will still win in 2026. Moreover, if it were a Tonga doing the same programme in his home Province, the same people could have complained bitterly and accuse him of tribalism.

  4. Yes they can boo him because he is the one who said there is enough maize in the country and allowed it all to be exported without keeping contingency stocks in case of drought like we are having now. Poor judgement on his part. If anything he should have resigned or be fired because wherever he goes he will be booed.


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