Home Politics PF VIDEO: Edgar Chagwa Lungu speaks to BBC on violation of his Constitutional...

VIDEO: Edgar Chagwa Lungu speaks to BBC on violation of his Constitutional rights


Lungu overcomes interview phobia, talks to BBC

FORMER president Edgar Lungu this morning showed impressive strides in overcoming his phobia for media interviews as he spoke to BBC on the Newsday Breakfast Show.

From his time as republican president right to his post presidency days, Lungu has been known to work very hard in dodging radio or television interviews.

In 2015, without giving any explanation, Lungu chickened out of a BBC interview at the eleventh hour after his appearance on Focus on Africa had been massively advertised.

Since leaving State House in 2021, Lungu has also rejected numerous invitations from various media houses to discuss his presidency.

But this morning, the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) strongman mustered plausible courage and spoke to the BBC.

During the brief interview, Lungu complained that government had withdrawn all his entitlements as former Head of State while placing him under house arrest.

Lungu said he was virtually under house arrest because he could not leave his house without police accosting, challenging and driving him back home.

He claimed that police were planning to arrest him after creating 25 cases against him including treason.

“The good thing is am ready for that,” he said.

Lungu said he realised that government’s motivation against him was the failure to deliver on its promises but was happy because he had the support of the people.

Lungu complained that government had withdrawn all his entitlements including state security and a chef.

“They withdrew basically everything, all the entitlements of a retired president were withdrawn,” he said.

“I have ragtag security team that I have to pay for from my own resources, they have withdrawn the office8 that they had given me as a former president in kabulonga on Bishop Road, they had given me one vehicle to use as administration, they have withdrawn that, we had a chef, somebody working in the household, everything was withdrawn,” he added.

Lungu said government had written to him saying his entitlements were being withdrawn because he had returned to active politics




  1. I have no idea why Hakainde is doing the exact same things he was condemning while in opposition. He is a very bitter and vengeful little man. His behaviour is not that of an elder at his Church.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    • Is Lungununder house arrest? This is a lawyer talking and s seeking sympathy from the Western media pf gas been insulting and ignoring.
      What does the law say on a former president rejoining politics? This iis embarrassing for an elder statesman behaving like this on international news. Awe mwasebana.

      Yes we will vote eisrwisely in 2026 and whoever was responsible for destroying the economy will not get my vote. My whole family and friends will do the Same.

      • Unfortunately, the 100&% Zambezi provinces vote will not be sufficient to win in 2026. The rest of the provinces have left you.
        You can only way left for you to “win “ is to rig the elections by excluding UKA and other opposition parties from the ballot,courtesy of the HaECZ and the judiciary already in HH’s pocket.

  2. Can one claim incentives after openly declaring being active in politics? Can you do both?

    Lets wait see. As a country it is common knowledge that withdrawal of benefits was as a passionate desire to return to activite polics.

    Seems this was not well thought through. How do you want bth sides at the same time.

    Guess what we already know will now be amplified world wide. And as facts remain so far it will only make more embarrassing news as to why more incentives are being required when a decision was made to give them up.

    This is puzzling and extremely worrying.

  3. Sometimes keeping quiet is more hunorable than publicly complaining and only to be proved to be lying as far as legal argument is concerned.

    How are we going to reconcile all these statements with all the provable facts on the ground we are all aware of.

    Maybe Some other statements like resemblance of restrictions would have been more realistic than house arrest. How do you prove this if you are allowed to move freely and it on record on media recordings. I think the interview should have majored on what solutions and alternatives were in the offering to what we have now.

    As things stand alot of inaccurate information was exchanged.

  4. Mr Lungu is an enemy of himself. When he returned to active politics, he vacated the house that was given to him without informing Cabinet Office.

    He even proclaimed himself as Party President of PF, the Party he retired from two years ago.

    PF didn’t have a President since his departure two years ago. This was a deliberate move for his comeback.

    Unfortunately, Mr Myles Sampa a Member of Parliament in, PF took advantage to organise a Convention and was elected, PF President.

    Upon hearing the News, ECL got mad and started misbehaving just to provoke, HH.

  5. HH has become very extremely toxic, dangerous, impulsive, despotic, paranoid, delusional and corrupt. At the rate HH is doing things to protect and promote only Tongas as the only Zambians existing and other tribes they are nothing. For dears brothers the Lozis, you are just being used. Just check any organisation whether in police, civil service or parastatal, the first two positions are Tongas , third Lozi. If a Lozi is put second or first , and a Tonga third, the Tonga will be making decisions and disregard a Lozi. Who is the boss.
    Look at the lack of respect from Tongas
    Minister of Education
    Luapula people suffer poverty of the mind or brain
    No apology made from the government or HH.
    HH in Chinsali, recently told the Chiefs who went welcome him in their area as their son, in presence of the media and cameras , you said we do not carry brown envelopes like the previous administration. Insulting the chiefs no apology
    Imenda , called the archbishop of Lusaka his Grace Banda , lucifer no apology.
    Copperbelt police command led by a Tonga summoned Catholic parish priest for teaching and reminding people – due to gigantic condemnation , the government back out.
    Parish priest talked about what people
    Want Lutoshi lwabwali, he was called names and threatened but the Catholic faith fought back and HH retreated .
    Kasanda Police officer entered the Bishop office to Lungu and bishop Mulenga from having a conversation. Fake apology made and went on threatening Lungu that he has no immunity. Shameful manoeuvres made to arrest him at night. Because the police are tired of being used they disclosed the plan. Deny and deny but the mad man in the name of iG goes on tantrum to threatening Lungu. Cadres at State house who are specifically employed to insult, demean, demonise, retaliate, revenge and divide others and on Zambia observer, Facebook, Lusaka times and other platforms in Zambia , you are too much enjoying being there with access to everyone government machinery and foolishness is blinding you not to go out and hear what ordinary people who risked their lives to make your Small mad god to hold the highest position of the land are saying and how determined they are to vote him out. You will dismiss my warning just like PF used to dismiss only when you will be seeing magnitude of people from all walks of life celebrating the demise of UPND just like PF. HH has massively made enemies than he had in opposition.

  6. With regard to benefits due a former President who decides to return to active politics, the law is clear.

    Is ECL suggesting that provisions of the law should not be applicable to him? Would that not be abrogation of the law by the current administration?

  7. I had no idea that snakes can cry … Kikikiki
    Ebu Cry Baby ubu!
    Mr Snake is like a spoiled toddler who starts fights but when the other toddlers hit back, he runs crying to the same BBC he said could go to hell at one time!
    Anyway, some people need spiritual help!
    Tondolo Musuma!


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