Home Politics PF VIDEO: Edgar Lungu’s wealth is estimated be over US$700 million!


  1. The way African leaders are selfish is very sad.

    After 2026, we will also know what he has been up to. We already know that he is presiding over a corrupt regime. ACC should reveal which minister is NOT being investigated. Otherwise voters will assume it is the entire cabinet.

    God help us.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    • So Lungu is among the selfish leaders? At last you admit. Then why would you daily parot his return? Why would you ask a selfserving person to come back?
      Clearly you are admiting that HH is the less of two evils. Where the evil in HH is not seen.

    • Wembwawe, HH7 has worked for his money and not yours who entered state house with nothing
      We’ll grab our money from him
      Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

  2. Here we go again, just after invoking the Cyber security bill, the smear campaign against Edgar Lungu begins…Where can Edgar Lungu get $700 Million? The first Republican President was accused of stealing $6Billion, yet the man was as poor as a pigeon in a monastery.
    We have Hakainde who has to date refused to declare his assets. If one does a video on the unexplained wealth of Hakainde. His role in Privatisation. His connections with Aflife…and the transactions his friends are involved in, he is quickly accused of hate speech, sedition and trafficked to Twin palm Detention Center. Let us apply the law equally.

  3. Lungu was very poor man but upon assuming power started giving small gifts to the children 69 vehicles tasila lungu almost bought the whole eastern province we thank panji Kaunda who said no to that therefore for me the amount you mentioned are less Edgar lungu has alot of money, remember this is a man who swindled the widow what more on that position!!! The wife parked money in the whole rooms unfortunately rooms were very full she had to give her relatives in junkie compound,this woman was just selling salaula from nowhere she became rich.

  4. Indigo and Hallucinating Hypocrite are PF sympathizers, LUNGU effed their mother’s and produced these stupid satan nyoko’s

  5. To All Zambians who support LUNGU, I hope you are suffering and starving because you don’t deserve any better. I hope you are all beggars. Go to your CHIKALA father lungu and beg for help.


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