Home Politics PF VIDEO: HH came from the Village in Bweengwa. We were from Copperbelt....


  1. Most town boys are moon walkers, they wake chief justices in the middle of the night, to bring about darkness from light. and they are not ashamed of such behavior. because they probably seat back and enjoy the fruits.

  2. Actually coming to town from the village after getting an education is more of an advantage than a disadvantage in politics. HH as a village boy knows life both in the village and in town. HH knows rural deprivation from having lived there. He therefore understands how to intervene in rural areas in order to help improve living standards there. KBF is therefore talking from a position of crass ignorance. Innocent Kalimanshi is also a town boy. But he’s just a thug. It has been a terrible week politically for KBF. During the week he has said something stupid and backward about women in politics. His secretary gdneral Chanda Kasolo also quit the ZMP and politics altogether.


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