VIDEO: I want to hand over power to myself – President Lungu


    President Edgar Lungu has retaliated that he remains Head of State even when the country goes to the polls, August 12 saying he will handover power to himself predicting resounding victory.

    Addressing the Nation this evening, President Lungu has seriously talked about violence which he says is done by the opposition UPND. President Lungu says as President he will ensure peace prevails and has deployed Armed forces across the country.

    President Lungu has directed the Army Commander to ensure the peace the country has enjoyed since independence is maintained. He said the vpolitical violence witnessed currently is what led First President Dr. Kenneth Kaunda through a constitution amendments introduced a one party state.

    Earlier when he adddressed a virtually rally to wind up campaigns for his party, PF, President Lungu said he is confident of an outright win in tomorrow’s general election because people have known him much more and appreciated his works.

    “I will beat UPND by 500,000 votes and he must accept defeat,” he said.

    President Lungu further assured the nation of safety as security wings were working hard to avoid any disruption of peace. President Lungu stated that the ruling party believed and preached peace throughout the election campaign period.

    “I wish to tell you all Zambians that we shall have peace tomorrow, no one will be tolerated for violating the law, as you go and vote you should remember that we have a government in place and I am in charge, till I hand over power to the winner of tomorrow’s election and this time the winner will be me again,” he said.

    President Lungu explained that the PF under Michael Sata lost elections thrice conceded defeat in 2001, 2006 and 2008 and never went to the street to put the country on fire.



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