Home Politics UPND VIDEO: Journalist recounts traumatic experience at the hands Emmanuel Banda who allegedly...

VIDEO: Journalist recounts traumatic experience at the hands Emmanuel Banda who allegedly urinated in his mouth!


Former Post Newspaper journalist Peter Sukwa recounts traumatic experience at the hands of Petauke Central MP Emmanuel Banda who allegedly assaulted him and urinated in his mouth!


  1. The judiciary should atone for its sins. This was a serious miscarriage of justice.

    And we expect parliament to conduct its business in an honourable manner with such dishonourable characters as MPs?

    Mr. Emmanuel “Jay Jay” Banda had a close relationship with Mr. Lungu the former President and could do all sorts of crazy things and get away with it. Like raiding Lusaka Central Police armed and beating up the policemen

    The people of Petauke Central must redeem themselves by getting rid of this obnoxious character in 2026.

    Mr. Lungu’s PF is the true representation of hypocrisy, lies and lawlessness.

  2. Where are the PF clowns for articles like this? Total silence, but whining like little bitches over poor Edgar Lungu supposed ill treatment. We haven’t forgotten who ECL is.


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