MCC Mbewe must be commended by all well meaning PF members, not condemned

Most of you have heard a leaked chart between our party and former president, Edgar Lungu (ECL) and Member of Central Committee (MCC) Kebby Mbewe from Southern province.

Yes, I also condemn the leakage of the chart between President Lungu and his Member of Central Committee, Kebby Mbewe. This is not good at all. We can’t expose our party president like that.

But What MCC Mbewe told Lungu is exactly what other leaders in UKA are being told by their party members. Mbewe is a patriotic PF who wants the best for PF in the alliance. His concerns and content is ok for me. I agree with him as PF member.

All UKA presidents are getting similar concerns in their respective parties from their members.
Members of CF, NDC, PF, GP, NHP, PEP, etc are all asking their presidents if they are contesting as UKA president. It is a health discussion all parties in UKA are having either directly like MCC Mbewe did or indirectly with their party presidents. What is wrong with what Mbewe said?

In other words, MCC Mbewe must be commended by all well meaning PF members, not to be condemned at all. Yes, PF must openly take Lungu to UKA as the coalition candidate.
It is true that only PF can have this discussion with their party president, no one can market Lungu as a Candidate in UKA apart from PF.

PF, UKA!!!!!

Mutale Bwalya, Concerned PF Member, Kabwe


  1. Hachigubu
    You must the biggest baboon in Zambia, ya ba, what a CHIKALA you are. Go and die for Lungu and see if he will give a monkey about you.

  2. Does it mean that in zambia we are short of leaders,l saw it with KK after retirement he changed and wanted a return,Chiluba also started a scheme of third term and now ECL is busy peddling on UKA as his training ground.The problem lies with us the members of political parties who are afraid of telling our leaders the truth,l salute Mr.Sejani for stopping FTJ for his third term bid..it is my hope that they will do the same to their master HH when his time is over. For ECL, please give others chance before you’re completely written off..l doubt if you can even come out first in that UKA alliance if free and fair elections are to be held today.ECL can only beat Danny Pule if not the opposite.

  3. Absolutely nothing wrong with Mr. Mbewe floating Mr. Lungu as presidential candidate for UKWA. Muleipusha imbwa nge ifwele. Mr. Lungu is the glue which holds UKWA together.

    We all know that Mr. Lungu will be the UKWA presidential candidate in 2026. The other UKWA leaders are just opportunists waiting for cabinet posts or Mr. Lungu’s endorsement if he fails to get his name on the ballot.

    What is wrong is to put undue pressure on the courts and the church as Mr. Mbewe is suggesting.


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