Home Politics PF VIDEO: Nakachinda Breathes Fire, Warns UPND And Hichilema That The Power They...


  1. People who can not take responsibility for their actions are not fit to be in any leadership position. Nakadodix made utterances to the effect that HH was having private meetings with members of the judiciary. HH is not the one who told Nakacinda to make these false allegations.

  2. The words Raphael Nakacinda uttered led to his prosecution and jailing. He needs to reflect seriously on that. Nakacinda did not just target his political adversary HH but also the Judiciary, the very institution he now wants to hear his appeal. Theoretically, the Judiciary is a complainant or injured party also. Nakacinda should ask himself what that means and perhaps after that sit down with his lawyers for a heart-to-heart.

  3. Please social media guys, ask someone to proof read your articles before posting on line. Temporal and temporary have very different meanings. It is a shame many young people nowadays don’t know the difference between lose and loose, quite and quiet, etc. The standards have really gone down. Shame to our English teachers.

  4. Nakachinda, be remorseful . Pride will not take you anywhere. You errored using politics. You may go to jail for a longer period. Now you will face the same judges that you accused, not the HH you hate!

  5. This is the PF Hichilema and Miles Hasampa where dreaming of destroying. We told them to be reading in between the lines. Instead of PF dying it’s Upnd which is dead on the ground! I meant a youth in December 2021 who excitedly told me that “PF is dying like Unip and MMD . . . “! I asked him why he was saying so . . “! He said ” because it has happened to both former ruling parties in this country . . .”! I told him that, “PF was not going to die because of various reasons like hatred towards PF by Upnd; Upnd didn’t win on a popular vote like MMD in 1991, something just went amiss; the leader of Upnd is not widely accepted like Chiluba was in 1991; Kaunda lost a lot of popularity because of his dictatorship while Lungu did not exhibit dictatorial tenderncincies so he is still popular in PF; And there’s a lot of hatred by Upnd towards PF thereby unifying and uniting PF even more. The youth got very confused, because he had just heard what happened in 1991 and beyond but was not there! And he was brainwashed by Hichilema’s fake declarations in late 2021 that PF was dead, but couldn’t show anybody the graveyard where it was buried. After realizing that PF was actually stronger than Upnd after 2021, he embarked on using Miles Hasampa to kill PF, but fortunately or unfortunately for Hichilema, PF is now strongest on the ground ! So all his hopes are dashed. It’s beginning of the end for Upnd and giving og strengthen and joy to PF! Viva PF, Viva!!

  6. The truth is when the anointing of God is out of someone he or she remains bitter and God doesn’t look back.

    Read 1 Samuel 28:1- 24
    In verse 15 – 19 you will fully understand why ECL and his people are behaving the way they are.
    so far ba ECL and his team are chasing the wind thinking he can catch up HH going to an extent of invoking the spirit of the dead ( Ba Sata MHRP), you just loo k at the man ECL works of late you will be suprised like Soul chasing David.


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