Home Politics PF VIDEO: UYU mambala ulipo if he was consulting me naya ama mistakes...


    • So in your eyes this rethoric is problem solving that will bring solutions to the Zambians in far flung areas?
      Its this kind of reasoning that shows the level of development that Zambia has attained. People who clap and empty back and forth rethoric that lacks substance and think that it will solve problems, it will lower the price of food, fuel and restore power.

  1. Kkkkkkkkkkk l knew it and l said it to say the message of doom kkkkkkkkkkk this is exactly what I meant kkkkkkkkkkk what good message/ solutions can come from UKA family and their ring leader the Snake kkkkkkkkkkk kuwayawaya fye. Please give us time to rest please Ukwa bag full of nothing but noise. We’re very tired. And again you were complaining that, the government and the police are not allowing us to hold rallies bla bla bla eeeehheeee yaaaaaaaa now you were given the chance to talk to the people, now what solutions have you put on the table so that, the people you went to address benefit from it , the answer is zero out of ten kkkkkkkkkkk? If l were you l can stop wasting people’s time and concentrate on working with the current government so that, together we can be a powerful force to drive the economy of the country in peace ️ with HH in front. Come back to your senses and start doing the right things ba UKWA bag kkkkkkkkkkk advise is free you can take it or leave it , the door is wide open for you kkkkkkkkkkk to enter for the betterment of you, your wives, your children and your grandchildren kkkkkkkkkkk and the country at large kkkkkkkkkkk.

  2. This really bad politics were you take advantage of the suffering people and illiterate, to push your silly agenda.
    But I blame the government again for being to slow on justice. Now it will be hard to put this Man behind bars for sins he committed coz many fools will cry out loud that HH is putting spanners for ECL not to stand in 2026. The massage will go round well coz many of us Zambians even if we claim that we are educated, we are actually maybe educated in foolishness. I mean it’s only fools who vote for a president out of sympathy like they did when putting ECL as President instead of Guy Scott who may have turned out to be better.

  3. Counsult a man without a vision? What mistakes has HH made? The draught is a mistake? So in your eyes Lungu; HH created the draught?
    HH is cleaning up the mess that you left. Where is the money that was obtained to finish off the Kafue Gorge project? The power exports are now going to service that debt. Explain what you did with that money?
    Zambia Railways Euro bond. What happened to that money? Sinking fund where is the money that Miles Sampa said was earnmarked for tge repayment of the Eurobond?
    Ba Lungu you are such an embarassment that everytime you open your mouth you prove that fact more and more.
    Your attempt to deflect your failure just show how shallow you are Sir.

  4. A good predecessor allows the successor to make as many mistakes they can! That is part of growing!
    As for the mistakes being alleged here, I don’t see no Economic mistakes!
    The pain Zambians are going through is due to the reckless borrowing the snake left!
    How did you expect to achieve Debt Restructuring without pain?
    Anyway, no need to consult Snakes!
    They may just mislead you and inflict a serious bite! Moreover, he has nothing to offer!
    He wants to come back because he has seen the books are clean once again so that they come and steal some more from gullible sleepy Zambians!

  5. ECL is taking the challenges Zambians facing
    As a way of gaining popularity.Let the new dawn
    Work on these problems otherwise Zambians
    Will be swayed towards PF.

  6. The whole world will really laugh at us Zambians if ECL gets back to power.They will take us for sleepy people.We shall be laughingstock.What new ideas will he bring this time around? Are we loosing memory of how we were treated.You try to hit a dog Very hard, a mongrel our indignant Zambian dog known to be a bin picker untrainable,forgetful despised as it is,I tell you it will remember that, after sometime that “kwena nali ponokwapo” even when you present appetizing food.Now if a dog can remember mistreatment even after sometime how about a person or people? ECL’s government is the the waste government in the history of Zambia where some people lost dignity and life.People died in cold blood in this country we are even tired of mentioning their names,it just brings sad memories.He wants to come back again.Aaaash “lukanyela fateni” meaning in Silozi language We will be beaten again or in Bemba language “bakesa tunyela nakabili or tukesa pumwa naka bili.”Violence was normal in PF.Any weapon was used to bruise, injure or kill innocent citizens.Zambians are there to judge and act the ball is in their hands.

  7. Their are a lot of terrible people around ECL that are waiting for him to be back so that they again unleash themselves on the public, the cadres, the tumpyongoes, the dozers a whole lot of people of unsound mind who controlled ECL. It would be extremely unthortful and foolish for people to reinstal PF through ECL again. The first people to be brutilised if ECL came back would be the leadership of UPND before all of us are brutilised. It is for this reason tha UPND should listen to the people more because only the people can shield UPND from the brutal ECL regime. And this time around they will not leave enemies behind. So listen to us and we shall deliver you from evil, the way humans behave is that if they feel you are not listening they will kick you out.


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