Home Politics UPND VIDEO:Stop Tribal Talk, Mano Yabupuba Ayo – Catholic Priest Fr Elias Muma

VIDEO:Stop Tribal Talk, Mano Yabupuba Ayo – Catholic Priest Fr Elias Muma



CATHOLIC Priest Fr Elias Muma says any politician who is issuing tribal remarks must be dealt with severely because they are an enemy of the country.

Fr Muma says everyone is suffering because of high commodity prices and load shedding, but politicians should use a voice that builds during the difficult


  1. Yes ba Father , Tribal Talk, and Tribal practices are evils which should be removed from our land. But we are all equal before the law. There are no sacreds in our country ..The severe punishment which you are talking about ba Father should be applied on all found wanting within the confines of the law.
    Hate Speech should apply to all. There shouldn’t be special Hate Speech against some groups which sends some people to prison and licenced Hate Speech practiced by sacreds…the untouchables which leaves the perpetrators freely walking our streets.
    The common definition of hate speech should apply to all. There shouldn’t be segregation in the application of the law. Period.

    Further Tribal Practices should be exposed and punished.In the Pursuit of power, use of power, political canvassing etc.
    Parading false narratives, historical Fallacies,to justify a wrong, or to spur regional voting should be called out, regardless of the status of the person on such tribal crusades.
    Talking about Tribal practices seen in any quarter is not hate speech.. Tribal practices should be exposed and severely punished…if not by our courts , then at the ballot. If you instil fear in people so that they start fearing exposing tribal practices for fear of being ‘ severely punished’ for Tribal Talk, some Tribal Despot will have a blank Cheque, and turn a country into his tribal village. The Country must guard against this.
    My thoughts on the important message delivered in your homily, ba Father.


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