We Need More Than Just Trumpery And Shabu Politics From Presidential Aspirants – Castrol Kafweta

    Sean Tembo
    Sean Tembo


    It’s a shame and quite mortifying to note that Zambia’s presidential aspirants like Mr. Sean Tembo and Chilufya Tayali and a few others wants to fuel political tension between PF and UPND amidst the economic crisis the country is grappling with. People aspiring to be president of Zambia must be above politics of name calling, defamation, tribalism and hate.

    President Sean Tembo and the likes of Chilufya Tayali are taking this country for granted because of their selfishness, superficiality and resentment towards one Tonga man Hakainde Hichilema who they feel is a threat I don’t know in what ways.

    These political nonentities must be declared unreasonable and unnecessary elements in the political circles of Zambia because they’re not contributing to the growth of our country. They’re rather instigating unnecessary obstructive fights in the country there by diverting the attention of Zambias from real pressing issues such as high poverty levels and high commodity prices in the country.

    If these people wants to be relevant in politics let them work with president Edgar Lugu in addressing the economic and debt crisis we’re grappling with now.

    President Lungu wants more than just talking. He needs serious help and if only Mr. Tembo and his brother Tayali were serious leaders, they would have taken advantage of the situation by showing us what they can offer this country apart from the regular rantings on social media and radios.

    Also If Mr Tembo and Mr. Tayali were reasonable and serious politicians, they would have refocused thier energies, time and resources towards identifying proper alternative economic mechanisms that government will use to address the current prevailing economic conditions rather than causing unnecessary and unproductive debates in the country.

    Fighting the country’s alternative government of the republic of Zambia will not help us at all. What we need now is not fingerpointing but unity of purpose so that we can restore glory and honor to our country. Surely are we going to develop this country with infights, assassination of characters and baring each other from descending to power?

    As divided as we’re, how will we be able to control the high influx of foreigners into our country because we’ve focused more on fighting each other leaving our common enemies who’re taking money out of the country day and night.

    The problems we have at hand will not be solved by president Edgar Lungu alone. We must all get involved by abandoning our fights and grudges so that we can work together in addressing our problems.

    President Edgar Lungu must also be accommodative, approachable and advisable so that those who have solutions, suggestions, and recommendations can easily reach out to him without being blocked. Arrogance and stubbornness will not help him solve the country’s challenges but humbleness will surely do.

    I believe that the problems we’re facing today can only be solved by us and not anyone else. Sometimes I feel that fighting HH will not help us in any way. Our focus should be on making sure that all Zambians are taking their children to school, having at least 2 meals a day, youths have employment and government workers are paid on time. These are the things that needs our attention and not one person who has not committed any crime.

    Castrol Kafweta
    Solwezi Central – Aspiring Mp
    Northwestern Province of Zambia



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