Home Politics PF We wish your presidency began earlier than 2021, Chiefs tell Hichilema

We wish your presidency began earlier than 2021, Chiefs tell Hichilema


We wish your presidency began earlier than 2021, Chiefs tell Hichilema

CHIEFS on the Copperbelt have commended President Hakainde Hichilema’s unifying leadership, wishing his presidency had commenced earlier than 2021.


The traditional leadership on the copper-rich province have also acknowledged President Hichilema’s strides in handling the challenges resulting from the historic drought.

In acknowledging the support of the traditional leadership, President Hichilema said God allowed him to be Head of State at such a critical moment because his grace was sufficient to enable the country go through the challenges.

Speaking on behalf of 52 traditional leaders from across the country who were attending the Katanino traditional ceremony of the Lamba people of Masaiti, Chief Machiya thanked President Hichilema for revamping the mines on the Copperbelt.

“Your Excellency we want to thank you for uniting the country and brining us together. You (President Hichilema) have been preaching unity. How we wish you were President earlier than 2021, this country would have been at another level.

“On behalf of the Chiefs and people of the Copperbelt we want to thank you for facilitating the works on the Ndola – Lusaka dual carriage way. We thank you Mr. President for revamping the mines, Mopani Copper Mines and Konkola Copper Mines including 28 Shaft,” he said.

And speaking during the the courtesy visit on the traditional leaders before he attended the Katanino ceremony, President Hichilema thanked the 52 traditional leaders for positively responding to his call for national unity.

President Hichilema said the presence of the 52 traditional leaders was testament that the Chiefs were keen on uniting the country in line with the one Zambia One Nation.

The Head of State reiterated that the country can only develop if there is unity.

“There is only one route to development. We can only develop as a nation is we are united,” he said.

President Hichilema said the new Dawn UPND government was committed to deliver development to all the parts of the country.

The President said government was committed to address the challenges that have been occassioned by the drought such as the energy crisis and food deficits.

The President said the government was committed to distribute food to the 84 districts that have been severely affected by the drought.

The Head of State has called on traditional leaders to encourage their subjects to continue to grow more food in their chiefdoms.

“Let us utilise our resources to defeat hunger. If each province, district and chiefdom produces food, the country will be food secure,” he said.

He said the Government will continue to support the traditional leaders including by building them palaces.

The Head of State however expressed concern at the slow pace the palaces were being constructed.

He has since directed Local Government and Rural Development, Minister Garry Nkombo to expedite the process of building the palaces.

President Hichilema is in Masaiti attending the Katanino traditional ceremony of the Lamba speaking people in Chief Nkambo’s area.

Kalemba September 16, 2024


  1. These chiefs after tu ma brown envelopes! Anyway nothing will change whatever tricks Hichilema and his Upnd try to do, he’s going in 2026! Seeing is believing, we have seen Hichilema’s rule for 3 years now, there’s no normal person who can say it should have come earlier than 2021, when it should not actually have been their! These chiefs are just being used but it won’t work, Zambians are already resolved that Hichilema and Upnd just have to go in 2026! Twachula ku nsala caused by Hichilema selling all maize in FRA reserve sheds! So you can use chiefs, or any other people it won’t work, time is up! Why doesn’t Hichilema want to accept that he has to leave when time is up! He didn’t know he’s employed by the people of Zambia! And now the people of Zambia have decided that he must go and he’s going, come 2026! He became to so powerful arresting any how, anybody! He didn’t know that arresting one person affected a lot of relatives and friends , and those people developed a lot of hate for him, and he has realized he can’t win in 2026 because most Zambians don’t like him! Fortunately even most police officers he has been abusing can’t vote for him because they are also failing to buy mealie meal at K450! You have failed just leave it’s time to go! Let other people rule!

  2. The dreamers should be left to keep on dreaming, And to insinuate that HH is going in 2026 is an advanced dreaming. That’s what we call self delusion. HH is going nowhere until 2031.


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