What Most Of You Didn’t Know- I Refused To Trade Truth For Freedom- Bishop Joseph Kazhila


    Bishop Joseph Kazhila
    During my detention a meeting was called, chaired by the then deputy IG of police ( a man I still hold in high esteem after that meeting). Present were the then Copperbelt police Chief and other other senior cops with some senior clergy from Copperbelt and one from our Church.

    The Chairperson described how serious the offense was at law and if taken to court I will be jailed.
    To save me from going to jail an offer was put to me, that I should go with them to the same Radio station for a live program the next day and apologize to the public that what ever I said earlier were lies and that I should publicly ask for forgiveness from the State and the people.

    All clergy in attendance applauded and thanked the police for such kindness and that offer.
    I asked the chair to tell me exactly what my offense was according to our constitution and the common law so that even as I apologize my conscience would be clear.

    The then Copperbelt police chief interjected with serious threats and she demeaned so much and that dampened my spirit.
    The meeting ended and I was taken back to the cells, a very sad man.
    When I slept an angel of the LORD appeared to me twice in a dream encouraging me to be strong and that God was with me in it all. “Hold on to the truth”, he told me.

    The next day I refused to go and lie for temporal freedom opting to be jailed if that was God’s will for me.
    That is how the cops started looking for a case to charge and arrest me for.
    Several cases, including treason, were cited but finally they settled for seditious intentions, which they believed was easier to secure a conviction and so they took me to court.

    In it all I was not only ready to be jailed but also to die for holding on to truth.
    Some of my fellow clergy who attended that meeting weren’t happy of my stance so using their Church mother bodies ( I also belonged to) issued a joint public media communique to denounce me for not cooperating with the State.
    I was then taken to court who released me on bail, as local police under instructions from above denied me bond. For over 5 months we went to and from court several times but the state wasn’t ready at each sitting till an able magistrate threatened to throw out the case admonishing them why they arrest and charge people before investigating.
    Then on 19th June 2020 the State withdrew the case.

    May I thank you all who stood with me and my family in various ways during our hour of trial. Some of you sacrificed so much, including your reputations and resources, just for me. The support of tens of thousands of you within and without Zambia overehelmingly ministered to me so much. I was given 5 lawyers fully paid for. GOD YOU ARE TOO GOOD. THANK YOU LORD FOR

    What else would I say.
    Indeed in whatever we may be going through God never leaves us even unto death.
    I hold no grudge against anyone who was involved in persecuting me.
    In short I forgave all, yet I shall continue to remember and tell my testimony of God’s goodness all the time as this may just encourage someone.
    I don’t know what you may be going through but what I know our God is able and is with you in it all. That is all you need. He is more than enough for us. SHALOM



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