WHAT MUST BE LEFT IN 2022- Dr Lubinda Haabazoka

Dr Lubinda Haabazoka


By Dr Lubinda Haabazoka

As we move into 2023, there are some things we should think about and leave them in 2022 if we have to become better persons or prosper:

– Let’s stop sharing nude photos or videos of other people and public shaming them. We need to grow up!!!

– Stop posting photos of accident victims. These people have relatives on social media and such images can be traumatising

– Let’s stop pretending that we are Christians. Maybe in the past we were Christians but our actions now don’t reflect that.

– Ladies it’s better to get education or a job. Men are not a source of income.

– Don’t live a life you cannot afford. Don’t stress over the beautiful life you see posted on social media. People only post the best moments but you want to live like that everyday!

– Stop being jealous of rich people. At independence we were all poor! Those that have made it just outplayed the system! Follow suit

– Just because you are poor doesn’t mean that you will be rich tomorrow! If you don’t work hard next year, you will remain at the same level!

– Politicians will never make your lives better. They also have families who come first in their lives!

– There is no such thing as common suffering. You are suffering alone. Zambians are good at pretending. Don’t just sit thinking others around you are also struggling. You don’t eat lunch with them to know their status.

– Let’s stop waiting for other people’s downfalls. Other people’s failures won’t make your CV better!

– Let’s remove emotions from official work. Jealous, hatred and poverty mentality can’t be used to drive the national agenda.

– In 2023 prioritise wealth creation! It’s only you who can make yourself rich. No one else! No one cares about you apart from your friends!

– Men people have lost money chasing women but no one has lost women chasing money!

– Learn to love money! Those that hate money are only looking for an excuse of why they have never gotten it.

– Your talent should be your income spinner! If you are good at sweeping floors, a cleaning company should be your goal! If your are a good guard, a security company should be your aim! Always look at the bigger picture!!!

– Stop discussing other people! Big minds discuss ideas and not people! Focus on yourself! Gossip have no rate of return!

– Don’t be short term and short sighted! Always look for the bigger picture. People have lost because niba muselela kwakaba!

– In 2023, stay principled! Just because your friend is not doing good doesn’t mean you have to dump them! God will always give a person a bad patch in their lives so that they see who their true friends are!!!! Fake friends always come back but it’s always too late!

– In 2023, avoid fake friends! Better be alone than with bad friends! Only those close to you can betray you! So be careful the team you build around yourself! Successful people have always been betrayed by those closest to them!

– Don’t eat food amongst hungry people. Don’t discuss money with broke people. Don’t show off your spouses amongst those in unhappy relationships, don’t discuss your success amidst those doing bad!

– In 2023, only retain friends who can build you. If your friend is more successful than you, learn from them and never be jealous! Jealous people never succeed! Learning from others will instead make you a better person.

– 2023 should be about you! Don’t worry about what other people say! Your dream is your focus! No one calls you asking what you will have for breakfast! Your are the star player! Be in tune with yourself!!!

– Stay away from negativity! Don’t listen to the news! The news is all about negativity! Focus on more positive things!

– If you find yourself thinking like 97% of the population. If you want to behave like the 97%, then you will never be part of the 3% rich person! Being different is what makes legend! Not all players are like Messi and not all cars are like a Bugatti!

– Lastly some people have spent 90% of their lives by building their image and wealth! Don’t think you can just come in one day and claim a share of that! Build your own!!!!

Thanks 🙏🏿

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